
  • 1、Leave a note on others car, apologize for never actually occurred accident。
  • 2、买些内衣,写上一个同事的名字,扔在办公室的洗手间地板上。
  • 3、把食品藏在垃圾桶里,有人经过时抓出来吃。
  • 4、Buy some underwear, write the name of a colleague, thrown on the floor of the office bathroom。
  • 5、编一个假消息,让不同的人去跟同一个人说。
  • 从别人的办公室里拿走点什么,并留下一封勒索信。
  • 6、从别人的办公室里拿走点什么,并留下一封勒索信。
  • 7、在别人车上留张便条,为一起从没实际发生事故道歉。
  • 8、Stick on a magnet in the bottom of a cup, put it on the roof, drove around for a ride。
  • 9、在洗手间唯一的马桶前放一条裤子和一双鞋,看上去始终有人在用。
  • 10、在别人的笔尖上涂卸甲油,笔就会写不出字。

  • 11、Hid food in the garbage can, someone passes out to eat。
  • 12、The only toilet in the bathroom before put on a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes, it seems that someone is always in use。
  • 13、From someone's office to take away something, and leave a blackmail letter。
  • 14、Make up a fake news, let different people with the same person said。
  • 15、在杯底粘上一块磁铁,放到车顶上,开着车四处兜风。
  • On someone else's pen off oil, pen will not write a word。
  • 16、On someone else's pen off oil, pen will not write a word。