
  • 1、人生就像是一部完美大剧,只不过剧情不同,主角不同。
  • 2、In the warmth of my life and so much, I all give you, but you leave me, you call I how after again to others laugh
  • 3、没有人会一直对你好,除非那个人一直爱着你。
  • 4、岁月带走了你的容颜,却积攒了我对你的思念。
  • 5、Easy to love each other, be together, love, love you
  • Life is like a perfect big play, drama is different, just different
  • 6、Life is like a perfect big play, drama is different, just different
  • 7、距离和神秘感,才是维持热情的好方法。

  • 8、Even if everything in the world has changed, I will be waiting for you here, in order to love you, let you know, whenever I love your heart
  • 9、酒,喝的半醉的好,喝的太多就醉了;爱,还是半真的好,爱的太深就心碎了。
  • 10、相爱容易,相守难,爱,就用心去爱你。
  • 11、Every day, every day can not eat, not sleeping, is not can not miss you
  • 12、True love's the gift which god has given to man alone beneath the heaven
  • 13、即使世间万物都改变了,我也会守候在这里,为了爱你,让你无论何时都知道,我爱你的心。
  • 14、每天,每天可以不吃饭,不睡觉,就是不可以不想你。
  • 15、我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。
  • 16、In love there are four types: enthusiasm of love interest of physical love vanity of love
  • 17、When you wear the wedding dress, love I also with the monk's robes

  • 18、真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。
  • 19、一份缘,相遇在人海,一颗心,旖旎在岁月。
  • 20、Do you know the former we which go to, is way too far away or you forget me
  • 21、Distance and mystery, is a good way to maintain enthusiasm
  • 22、当我喜欢你的时候,不好意思我看谁都像情敌。
  • 23、最幸福的女人,像最幸福的民族一样,没有历史。
  • 24、当你穿上了爱情的婚纱,我也披上了和尚的袈裟。
  • 25、在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。
  • 26、Half drunk good wine, drink, drink too much drunk; Love, or half, really good love too deep is broken
  • 27、Really attractive woman, let a man first saw her chest, the second to see to her bosom

  • 28、No one would have been good for you, unless that person has been in love with you
  • 29、Leave and not to his own people, it is sensible, but was very lonely Don't be so silly
  • When I love you, sorry I see who are like rival in love
  • 30、When I love you, sorry I see who are like rival in love
  • 31、爱情和火焰一样,没有不断的运动就不能继续存在,一旦它停止希望和害怕,它的生命也就停止了。
  • 32、恋爱有四种类型:热情之恋趣味之恋**之恋虚荣之恋。
  • 33、Wish you can meet that person, that can let you don't have to bite a tooth again try to be brave, determined with tear
  • 34、Want to use the original heart, accompany you go far way
  • 35、The years have taken your appearance, but saved up my missing for you
  • 36、Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime
  • 37、爱情是笔记,记载着我们的点点滴滴。

  • 38、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。
  • 39、你知不知道从前的我们哪去了,是路太远还是你把我忘了。
  • 40、把与不都留给自己的人,是理智的,但很孤独。别那么傻。
  • 41、In all the personnel is not scenery, I like you
  • Not to expel the suffering of the lovesickness, only we wake up to around within easy reach of I am when I am with you
  • 42、Not to expel the suffering of the lovesickness, only we wake up to around within easy reach of I am when I am with you
  • 43、Love is notes, record the dribs and drabs
  • 44、The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history
  • 45、Love, like fire, can't continue to exist without constant movement, once it stops hope and fear, its life is stopped
  • 46、愿你能遇见那个人,那个能让你不用再咬着牙逞强,憋着泪倔犟的。
  • 47、不为驱逐相思之苦,只为梦醒后我在你触手可及的身边。

  • 48、想用最初的心,陪你走最远的路。
  • 49、真正有魅力的女人,让男人第一眼看到她的胸脯,第二眼看到她的胸怀。
  • 50、A fate, meet in the crowd, a heart, the landscape in years