
  • 1、Others a small action reminds me of you for a long time
  • 2、残忍 Cruel
  • 3、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。
  • 4、Think of a person, a voice For the next place of acacia
  • 5、异地恋的小朋友,是在等人,还是等一份心情。

    The hurt is so beautiful that I can't put it down, so that I can smile so much!
  • 6、The hurt is so beautiful that I can't put it down, so that I can smile so much!
  • 7、People can not change things, only things change people
  • 8、Whenever you need me, I'll always be with you
  • 9、Memory of the sun, is still so warm
  • 10、If a man is to be open Does it look happy?
  • 11、陌生人如果在遇见,我们之间就只剩下擦肩而过。
  • 12、左手,右手。不知伸手,还是放手。
  • 13、You Are My World
  • 14、骗自己很难,但骗习惯了就容易多了。
  • 15、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。

  • 16、My love for a long time, but not to the end
  • 17、有时候心灵有些空洞,有点点心疼的时候。
  • 18、We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome
  • 19、Rosa flowers full of memories of the walls, I nestled in your arms, missing the end
  • 20、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。
  • 21、Good memories of his embrace, the practical sense of security
  • 22、已是深秋,但我怎么觉的冬天已到?
  • 23、YOU and ME
  • 24、This present life, I wish a good quiet time, secular stability, everyday can see him smile
  • 25、Laugh tired

  • 26、How much time, because it is not, so pretend not to want
  • 27、To the lonel
  • 28、Efforts to move forward, only to catch up with your footsteps
  • 29、我的爱情坚持了很久,却没到最后。
  • 30、e丿Shine丨NO丶
  • 31、Indulge yourself, is also a kind of liberation
  • 32、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要。
  • 33、负荷- Sameal゜
  • 34、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。
  • 35、Love is so short, forgetting is so long

  • 36、I can still be proud, you don't care about children's heart
  • 37、Don't ask me what I've done, I don't even know
  • 38、今生今世,但愿岁月静好,现世安稳,每天都能看见他的笑颜。
  • 39、他也曾是我一直不愿醒的梦境。
  • Study of slag
  • 40、Study of slag
  • 41、It is autumn, but how do I feel the winter has come?
  • 42、Anesthesia 麻木
  • 43、Our love, I know that has come to an end, but I still can not bear, reluctant, good
  • 44、那轮傍晚的落日,哀怨地为隔世的爱情画上一个句号。
  • 45、Ten little laugh, laugh laugh two not directly pull

  • 46、You just like the sun, warm, beautiful, but can never be caught
  • 47、无论何时,无论何地,只要你需要我,我就会永远陪在你身边。
  • 48、Young frivolous, happy time
  • 49、If the stranger in the meeting, we only pass by
  • 50、Alice☆灵魂
  • 51、离我远点°please
  • 52、青春如此短暂,不要叹老。偶尔可以停下来休息,但是别蹲下来张望。
  • 53、那些伤太美,使我不肯放下,以至于微笑也那么疼!
  • 54、人若放得开。看起来会不会比较幸福?
  • 55、-Residualhave。

  • 56、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。
  • 57、You remember, no russian
  • 58、wáng jùn kǎi
  • 59、I love you, generation after generation will together with you
  • 60、Sadness 无心的人
  • 61、The wheel in the evening sunset, to end a plaintive love from painting
  • 62、Hide you into the deepest layer of your heart, and think that you are open to see
  • 63、I smiled strangely, just because of you
  • 64、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。
  • 65、You go, I left the unforgettable memories

  • 66、Lying on the sunflower, even depressed, but also toward the sun
  • 67、Time heals almost everything Please give time a little time
  • 68、放纵自己,也是一种解脱。
  • 69、痴人说梦 Stupid-▲
  • 70、Youth is so short, do not sigh Occasionally you can stop to rest, but don't squat down and look around
  • 71、The more happiness is shared with others, the more valuable it is
  • 72、消逝 friendship ▼
  • 73、You are in my heart, make everything sweet
  • I think back to how happy you are, but you always show me your happiness
  • 74、I think back to how happy you are, but you always show me your happiness
  • 75、恶灵空间 Theevilspirit

  • 76、人皮娃娃 - Torocat
  • 77、空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。
  • 78、Hickey ぁ
  • 79、Long distance love of children, is waiting for someone, or a mood
  • 80、uperficial° 浮浅
  • 81、You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go
  • 82、回想着和你在一起有多快乐,可你总是向我炫耀你的幸福。
  • 83、Sometimes the heart is empty, a little bit of love
  • 84、怀魂 Layoomiety゜
  • 85、R tong 女郎

  • 86、好怀念他的拥抱,那踏实的安全感。
  • 87、你走了,留给我那刻苦铭心的回忆。
  • 88、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。
  • 89、躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能朝着阳光。
  • 90、努力的往前走,只为追上你的脚步。
  • 91、爱那么短,遗忘那么长。
  • 92、蔷薇花开满了记忆的墙壁,我偎依在你的怀中,怀想着天荒地老。
  • 93、Left hand, right hand I do not know, or let go
  • 94、Love is, let people think, and then use a lifetime to forget
  • 95、有一种情感,只能拿心去感受。

  • 96、This time, there are too many too beautiful lie
  • 97、夜亡者 Seventee
  • 98、Empty eyes, can not find the focal length
  • 99、If I know how to give up you, how good that
  • 100、不要问我过的好不好,连我自己都不知道。
  • 101、It's hard to fool yourself, but it's easier to cheat
  • 102、抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去。
  • 103、Heart will be tired of love will be cold, this is the process of emotional
  • 104、Take me away
  • 105、放开风筝的线、才能收获整片蓝天。

  • 106、独家▲
  • 107、You give care, is my reason to be happy
  • 时间几乎会愈合所有伤。请给时间一点时间。
  • 108、时间几乎会愈合所有伤。请给时间一点时间。
  • 109、记忆中的阳光、依旧那样温暖。
  • 110、人是改变不了事情的,只有事情改变人。
  • 111、笑一笑十年少,那笑两笑就岂不是直接就没命拉。
  • 112、别人一个小小动作就让我想起你很久很久。
  • 113、你的念念不忘里,没有俄。
  • 114、俄依旧可以高傲,不在乎沵扪的心跳。
  • 115、年少轻狂,幸福时光。

  • 116、He was a dream I never wanted to wake up
  • 117、Owe to kiss
  • 118、离沫倾城 winter°
  • 119、Love is never only two outcomes, not the way, is the same
  • 120、我落泪/情绪零碎/TEAR
  • 121、There is a kind of emotion, can only take heart to feel
  • 122、请原谅我的悲观,只因人生再美终归还是要分离。
  • 123、Please forgive my pessimistic, because life is still beautiful to be separated
  • 124、妖艳 Eiffel°
  • 125、心会累爱会冷,这是感情必经的过程。

  • 126、我们的爱情,我知道已经到了尽头,可是我还是舍不得,舍不得,好舍不得。
  • 127、你就像指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。
  • 128、Release the kite line, to harvest the whole piece of blue sky
  • 129、你在我心里,使一切都变成甜的。
  • 130、爱情是,让人想着,然后用一辈子去忘记。
  • 131、妳要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。
  • 132、把你藏进心里最深的一层,想你是打开看看。
  • 133、Hold your hand and don't let it go
  • 134、Carzy丶约锭
  • 135、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。

  • 136、如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该有多好。