
  • 1、是我不够好,没有让你爱上我。
  • 2、Is my is not good enough, did not let you fall in love with me
  • 3、In the life sometimes the end must have, what you don't in
  • 4、Hurt is not love, but memories
  • 5、Smile is a facial expression, has nothing to do with happiness!
  • Who put the who really seriously, who for who love dearly
  • 6、Who put the who really seriously, who for who love dearly
  • 7、Knowing is scene, but also play with you
  • 8、是否我放你走,你就幸福了。
  • 9、上学的心情,比挖坟还要沉重。
  • 10、生活需要被打扰,那样才精彩。

  • 11、释怀是面对不爱的唯一选择。
  • 12、My tears, let you feel guilty
  • 13、Letting go is the only choice in the face of love
  • 14、好女人进厨房,坏女人走四方。
  • 15、I miss you, but I don't want to let you know
  • 16、伤人的不是爱情,而是回忆。
  • 17、没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。
  • 18、If I let you go, you will be happy
  • 明知是场戏,还要陪你演下去。
  • 19、明知是场戏,还要陪你演下去。
  • 20、You are quick to come back, I a fool not to come

  • 21、No can not let go, only do not leave
  • 22、谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁心疼。
  • 23、Miss, we who also do not look back
  • 24、Impulse of age, who all don't want to be around
  • 25、心到痛处,谁还卑微的挽留。
  • 26、Can not, only willing to
  • 27、擦肩而过,我们谁也没回过头。
  • 28、I want to find a way to your heart
  • 29、命里有时终须有,命里无时莫。
  • 30、Day workers still can forgive, the evils we bring

  • 31、你快回来,我一人忽悠不来。
  • 你离开后,我感觉不到心跳。
  • 32、你离开后,我感觉不到心跳。
  • 33、笑只是个表情,与快乐无关!
  • 34、在你和天空之间、我只看见你。
  • 35、我的眼泪、是否让你感到愧疚。
  • 36、天作孽犹可恕,自作孽不可活。
  • 37、Small sun, shining in my heart
  • 38、假如有人问起他,就说忘了。
  • 39、After you left, I do not feel the heartbeat
  • 40、If someone asks him, he said forget it

  • 41、School, the mood is more heavy than digging a grave
  • 42、A good woman in the kitchen, bad woman walk
  • 43、Heart to pain, who is also humble retain
  • 44、我想你了,可是不想让你知道。
  • 没有放不下的,只有留不住的。
  • 45、没有放不下的,只有留不住的。
  • 46、Between you and the sky, I only see you
  • 47、Life need to be disturbed, it was wonderful
  • 48、我想找一条通向你心底的路。
  • 49、无心旳反应,才是最真旳显露。
  • 50、小小的太阳,照耀在我的心窝。

  • 51、No response, is the true one
  • 52、冲动的年纪,都不想被谁左右。