
  • 1、If your heart is a prison, I will be sentenced to life imprisonment
  • 2、Finally, I still can not let go of all the past, or in the vicissitudes of life looking for your shadow
  • 3、珍惜生活,上帝还让你活着,就肯定有他的安排。
  • 4、这一年,少年说:山无棱,天地合。
  • 5、What kind of future, let you leave without hesitation
  • 在哪里跌倒,下一次就从那里跳过去。
  • 6、在哪里跌倒,下一次就从那里跳过去。
  • 7、我调教过的男人,你用着还习惯么?
  • 8、Busy things scattered by dust, water relentlessly since the spring grass

  • 9、Which is seldom known until it be lost treasure Have but not care
  • 10、是什么样的未来,让你义无反顾离开。
  • 11、I like you No scenery in the world is better than you
  • 12、Why don't ask others, ask yourself why
  • 13、Fate think humor, thinking too much I can not
  • 14、世间总是阴差阳错太仓促形不成拥有。
  • 15、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。
  • 16、I don't have a good talent, but I ratio who all seriously
  • 17、Where is the fall, the next time he jump over it from there
  • 18、命运自认幽默,想法太多由不得我。

  • 19、Don't talk for a lifetime if you're not a lifetime person
  • 20、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。
  • 21、Cherish life, God will let you live, there must be his plan
  • 22、The poor lack most is to become people master cheng yen's ambition
  • 23、曾听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。
  • 24、Struggle on the road, destined to be accompanied by loneliness
  • 25、Do not ask for long-term love between heaven and earth, but for the dream of soul and the emperor
  • 26、奋斗的道路上,注定会有孤独陪伴。
  • 27、Time has taught me optimistic, also taught me strong
  • 28、If life only such as first, from now on

  • 29、People there all ability, also enemy but destiny
  • 小鸟虽小,可它玩的却是整个天空。
  • 30、小鸟虽小,可它玩的却是整个天空。
  • 31、The man I taught you, are you still used to it?
  • 32、不是一辈子的人就别说一辈子的话。
  • 33、Dishonest gain easily destroyed, letter of infidelity more trouble
  • 34、人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天命。
  • 35、I'm still there, and you're far away Even though I miss you so much, I still can't get your response
  • 36、Love is an accident, why say God's arrangement
  • 37、Strong time forced people to smile all the hurt
  • 38、Tea fragrance, know tea; For life, when one boring

  • 39、You're not a big country, but you just fill my eyes
  • 40、Time is the only thing that can wash away everything except tears
  • 41、The end of the road, is still a road, as long as you are willing to go
  • 42、不属于我的东西,我不会要。不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。
  • 43、酒逢知己千杯少。话不投机半句多。
  • 44、Crabs are not as cute as you are, because you are more horizontal than them
  • 45、穷人最缺的就是成为人上人的野心。
  • 46、通常做一件事的时候,常常会忘了本。
  • 47、别问别人为什么,多问自己凭什么。
  • 48、Life will inevitably have setbacks, but don't miss it

  • 49、Ducklings grow up without mothers and have families with few hands
  • 50、我的泪变成雨,也舍不得淋湿你。
  • 51、鸭仔无娘也长大,几多白手也成家。
  • 52、我没有好的天分,但我比谁都认真。
  • 53、没人疼的孩子,始终要自己撑起一片天空。
  • 你那么傻还那么丑,不要去祸害别人了,跟我回家好好过日子吧。
  • 54、你那么傻还那么丑,不要去祸害别人了,跟我回家好好过日子吧。
  • 55、Children who have no pain should always hold up a piece of sky by themselves
  • 56、Who know my mind for my heart sorrow, don't know I ask what I'm seeking
  • 57、Happiness is not hard to love, but a comfortable life
  • 58、人生若只如初见,从现在开始迷恋。

  • 59、Your name, my heart
  • 60、失去时才知珍惜。拥有时却毫不在意。
  • 61、That year, young said: mountain without edges, heaven and earth
  • 62、时光逼着人坚强以微笑付之所有的伤。
  • 63、Smile than to frown look good, request than reprimand angrily to the nature
  • 64、你的名字,我的心事。
  • 65、相爱本来就是一场意外,何必说是上天的安排。
  • 66、如果你的心是座监狱,我愿被判终身监禁。
  • 67、My tears turn into rain, and I hate to wet you
  • 68、Let me love you for two days, the day you have and the day without you

  • 69、It has been said that memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness
  • 70、螃蟹没你可爱,因为你比它横。
  • 71、你不是倾国倾城,但是却刚刚好能填满我的眼睛。
  • 72、我们用一年时间学会说话,却要用一生时间学会闭嘴。
  • 73、知我者为我心忧、不知我者问我何求。
  • 74、时间教会了我乐观,也教会了我坚强。
  • 75、我依旧在,而你已渐远。任凭我思念满溢,却仍得不到你的回应。
  • 76、终于我还是放不下以往的一切,还是在沧海桑田里寻找着你的影子。
  • 77、People who truly bad is not fearful Terrible is false good man
  • 繁华事散逐相尘,流水无情草自春。


  • 79、人生难免会有挫折,但千万别错过。
  • 80、It takes us a year to learn to speak, but it takes a lifetime to learn to shut up
  • 81、我喜欢你,世上任何风景都不及你。
  • 82、品茶香,知茶趣;品人生,知人趣。
  • 83、Even thousand cups little Lovers more than half sentence
  • 84、Experienced countless busy and sad to maturity in life
  • 85、经历过生命中无数繁华和悲凉才成熟。
  • 86、能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间。
  • 87、I don't want anything that doesn't belong to me It's not something I really give I'm not scarce
  • 88、微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。

  • 89、There is always crazy is too hasty not form
  • 90、真壞的人並不可怕。可怕的是假好人。
  • 91、Usually do one thing, often forget this
  • 92、The bird is small, but it is the whole sky
  • 93、贪不义之财易毁,信不忠之人多祸。
  • 94、You are so foolish and so ugly Don't harm others Come home with me and live a good life
  • 95、不求天地长久情,只求魂梦与君同。
  • 96、别知道因为我会等你,就把我晾在那等。
  • 97、幸福不是努力去爱,而是安心生活。
  • 98、Don't know, because I'll wait for you, just hang me there
