
  • 1、和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉;但是一同和你哭过的人,你却永远不忘。
  • 2、A friend is the sunshine of life
  • 3、Only a wise friendship, than all the stupid people friendship is more valuable
  • 4、The feelings between friends is sincere, the enemy will WuXiKeCheng
  • 5、没有朋友也没有敌人的人,就是凡夫俗子。
  • Invisible friend, can't and their copolymerization of joy, it is a state of half to death
  • 6、Invisible friend, can't and their copolymerization of joy, it is a state of half to death
  • 7、Was not heavy, meet bosom friend
  • 8、山河不足重,重在遇知己。

  • 9、谁要是选择吝啬鬼做朋友或信赖自私和怯懦者的虚假友谊,谁就有被误解的可能。
  • 10、人生得一知已足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。
  • 11、友谊永远是美德的辅佐,不是罪恶的助手。
  • 12、Violate the rules and regulations is the enemy of safety, accident's friend
  • 13、Keep a certain distance between friends, and make the friendship forever
  • 14、Noble and friendship, loyal and brave
  • 15、意见相同的固然可以做朋友,意见相反的也没有什么妨碍。
  • 16、愿君把酒休惆怅,四海由来皆兄弟。
  • 17、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。
  • 18、Without affectation and lies among friends, you will be happy

    Money doesn't buy is friends and more spring often leave
  • 19、Money doesn't buy is friends and more spring often leave
  • 20、朋友之间感情真诚,敌人就会无隙可乘。
  • 21、Life a know already enough, with in my arms
  • 22、Friendship is based on comrade, consolidate on sincere, development in criticism, terminate in flattery
  • 23、Sincerely help close, is the highest realm of friendship
  • 24、朋友是生活中的阳光。
  • 25、Friendship is always a virtue for, not the assistant of evil
  • 26、单单一个有智慧的的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。
  • 27、真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。
  • 28、Sincere friendship is like health, the loss is less than the, unable to appreciate the precious

  • 29、Friendship, active, and the song of youth will ease our pain
  • 30、无需做作和谎言的朋友中间,你才会感到愉快。
  • 31、If anyone chooses to do the miser friends or trusted selfish and coward false friendship, who has the possibility of being misunderstood
  • Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity
  • 32、Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity
  • 33、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。
  • 34、理解绝对是养育一切友情之果的土壤。
  • 35、May you take wine melancholy, the origin of the four seas all men are brothers
  • 36、选择朋友要慢,改换朋友要更慢。
  • 37、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。
  • 38、千金难买是朋友,朋友多了春常留。

  • 39、Choose friends is slow, change friends is more slowly
  • 40、高尚与友谊,忠实与勇敢。
  • 41、酒肉朋友易找,患难之交难逢。
  • 42、Understanding is raising all the soil is the fruit of friendship
  • 43、看不见的朋友,不能和他们共聚欢乐,这等于处在半死状态。
  • 44、Fair-weather friends is easy to find a friend in need is difficult to meet
  • 友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。
  • 45、友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。
  • 46、友谊建立在同志中,巩固在真挚上,发展在批评里,断送在奉承中。
  • 47、And you laughed together, maybe you forget; But with you cry together, but you never forget
  • 48、朋友之间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。

  • 49、Opinions of the same course can be friends, instead of no way
  • 50、竭诚相助亲密无间,乃友谊之最高境界。
  • 51、Friendship comes down to the interests of the people, and I think that is the most precious thing in the friendship write-off
  • 52、Without a friend is not the enemy, is everyman