
  • 1、照片里的微笑,你知不知道你对我来说有多么的重要。
  • 2、当眼泪溢出眼眶,我才知道自己已彻底受伤。
  • 3、Now only to find that I am just a convenient post, can be abandoned at any time
  • 4、If you can stand in front of me, I can ignore the whole world for you
  • 5、There is always something, every time to hear, slow heartbeat
  • 最怕世间寻遍却发现了无此人。
  • 6、最怕世间寻遍却发现了无此人。
  • 7、I like this simple man which will do the math that rich scheming ah!
  • 8、Gray sky, a person walking the streets deserted
  • 9、关于回忆,我把你爱我的丢了,却留下了不美好的你。
  • 10、像我这种单纯的人哪会做数学那种富有心计的题啊!

  • 11、往往都是事情改变人,人却改变不了事情。
  • 12、Find a reason not to reason, so that the waiting for a long time to flow out of tears
  • 13、我路过你身边的时候,你却一直留在我心里。
  • 14、Often things change people, but people can not change things
  • 15、每段青春都会苍老,只愿记忆里的你一直都好。
  • 16、我是一只没有脚的小鸟飞得狠累却永远停不下来。
  • 17、I am a bird without feet, but I can never stop
  • 悲伤不是我想要是结果,但却是我唯一的选择。
  • 18、悲伤不是我想要是结果,但却是我唯一的选择。
  • 19、Suddenly there is a kind of, in addition to you who do not want the persistent
  • 20、Sunflower loneliness, do not belong to his sun and the sky

  • 21、总有一些话,每次听见,心跳慢半拍。
  • 22、如果你还能站在我眼前,我可以为你无视整个世界。
  • 23、I have a lot of people, but left the most real people
  • 24、One person one degree, it is he suffering depth
  • 25、About the memories, I lost you love me, but left a bad you
  • 26、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one
  • 27、绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。
  • 28、找了一个不是理由的理由,让等待已久的眼泪流出。
  • 29、Smile in the photo, do you know how important you are to me
  • No mention not because of forgotten, but because the mind

    30、No mention not because of forgotten, but because the mind

  • 31、你有一种魔力,让我爱上了你,然后让我的心冻结了。
  • 32、Sadness is not what I want to be, but it's my only choice
  • 33、向日葵孤独地张望着,不属于他的阳光和天空。
  • 34、我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。
  • 35、一个人彻悟的程度,恰等于他所受痛苦的深度。
  • 36、When tears overflow the eyes, I just know that they have been completely injured
  • 37、When I pass by your side, but you have to stay in my heart
  • 38、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。
  • 39、Want to seize the youth of the tail, but it is only house lizard
  • 40、Each youth will be old, but your memories have been good

  • 41、突然有了一种,除了你谁都不想要的执着。
  • 没有你的世界,孤独,寂寞,空虚,都是那么的。
  • 42、没有你的世界,孤独,寂寞,空虚,都是那么的。
  • 43、灰蒙蒙旳天空,冷清旳街道一个人漫步。
  • 44、现在才发现,我只是一张便利贴,随时都可以抛弃。
  • 45、Without you the world, lonely, lonely, empty, are all so
  • 46、You have a magic that makes me fall in love with you, and let my heart freeze
  • 47、都想抓住青春的尾巴,可惜青春是只壁虎。
  • 48、I also keep in place, not to wait for you, just wait for yourself to give up