
  • 1、你知道问题在哪儿吗?能试着改过来吗?我相信,你肯定行!
  • 2、Young is a kind of resources, but don't work hard is wasted
  • 3、Fault a thing, just think of some way to do it well
  • 4、在比夜更深的地方,一定有比夜更黑的眼睛。

  • 5、暂时的失利,比暂时的胜利好得多。
  • 再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。
  • 6、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。
  • 7、男人的帅不在脸蛋,而在岁月积淀下来的睿智与淡定。
  • 8、困难像弹簧,你弱它就强,你强它就弱。
  • 9、Learning is not only itself, but also can remind her deskmate, is really something!
  • 10、In deeper than night, there must be more black eyes than night
  • 11、Sacrifice for the good in the future a stone statue
  • 12、Make a habit hard, with sweat in the future
  • 13、Again long way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet can't reach
  • 14、Temporary defeat, is far better than a temporary victory

  • 15、弄砸一件事情,就想办法把它做好。
  • No ageless oath, no unchanged commitment, set foot on the journey, no retreat!
  • 16、No ageless oath, no unchanged commitment, set foot on the journey, no retreat!
  • 17、让刻苦成为习惯,用汗水浇灌未来。
  • 18、Do you know where is the problem? Can try to change it? I believe that you can do it!
  • 19、生活的字典里最重要的三个词,就是意志工作等待。
  • 20、宁可慢些,不要太急而错误;宁可笨些,不要太巧而败事。
  • 21、Life in the dictionary of the most important three words, is the work will wait
  • 22、为了将来的美好而牺牲了的人都是尊石质的雕像。
  • 23、Would rather slowly, is not the mistake; Would rather stupid, don't what a coincidence
  • 24、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承诺,踏上旅途,义无反顾!

  • 25、不仅自己认真学习,还能提醒同桌同学,真是了不起!
  • Men aren't handsome face, and in the years accumulation of wisdom and calm
  • 26、Men aren't handsome face, and in the years accumulation of wisdom and calm
  • 27、Difficulties like spring, you weak it strong, you strong it is weak
  • 28、年轻是一种资源,但不努力就浪费了。