
  • 1、If not I love you, how can let you hurt me so thoroughly.
  • 2、用漫不经心的态度,过随遇而安的生活。
  • 3、心事欲与人言,举目竟无人可诉。
  • 4、谁家秋院无风人,何处秋窗无雨声?罗衾不耐秋风力,残漏声催秋雨急。连宵脉脉复飕飕,灯前似伴离人泣。寒烟小院转萧条,疏竹虚窗时滴沥。不知风雨几时休,已教泪洒窗纱湿。
  • 5、怎么忍心离开我,放弃我们走过的街!
  • 放弃了所有,我相信时间可以证明我是对的。
  • 6、放弃了所有,我相信时间可以证明我是对的。
  • 7、既然已回不到过去,还不如想想自己的未来。
  • 8、你之所以过得太累,主要源于你太过于敏感,又太过于心软,事事委屈自己为他人着想。
  • 9、People say that after losing only know how to cherish, in fact, after the loss of treasure than what all pain.
  • 10、既然已回不到过去,还不如想想自己的未来。

  • 11、一个人的秋天,那么孤单;一个人的秋天,那么悲凉;一个人的秋天,那么漫长
  • 12、我对生活与世无争,刚好不用与世故相交。
  • 13、在爱与被爱的选择里,我选择了被爱,错、又能如何?
  • 14、You never have to worry about my feelings, how will know how hard I feel.
  • 15、Wait, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.
  • 16、结,如果真的打不开,你就给它系成个花样儿;其实,生活也就是这样。
  • 17、但愿情深、让经过的人为你转过身。
  • 18、怀念不一定就要相见,喜欢不一定就要在一起。要相信,每一种距离都会有它存在的意义。
  • 19、先过好自己的日子,把自己变得更好,才能让相同频率的人看到;即使将就,也要让自己拥有过得更好的资本。
  • I am always afraid that one day you will find that I am not as good as you think I am.

    20、I am always afraid that one day you will find that I am not as good as you think I am.

  • 21、在爱与被爱的选择里,我选择了被爱,错、又能如何?
  • 22、笔终收,人亦走,当真一别两宽,各生欢喜。
  • 23、The end of the pen, people also go, really a two wide, all the joy of life.
  • 24、I want to drink the pain is drowning, but this damn pain learned how to swim.
  • 25、I am always afraid that one day you will find that I am not as good as you think I am.
  • 26、Wait, not for you to come back, but to find an excuse not to leave.
  • 27、Some people are destined to be cancer in your life, and some people just sneeze.
  • 28、秋天是庄稼成熟的季节,也是农民伯伯最喜爱的季节。高粱涨红了脸,苞米咧开了嘴,黄澄澄的玉米粒,象一颗颗金豆子,谷子笑弯了腰,正向我们鞠躬,大豆被风吹得乐出了声
  • 29、事实证明,一个人迫于无奈之下的选择,往往是对的。
  • 30、用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人。

  • 31、I slowly with time to heal, really can beat the distance.
  • 32、Sad, squat down to hug yourself, help others, but also open their own.
  • 33、别再去打扰那些连回你话都带敷衍的人。
  • 当我们第一次相见,我并没想到你对我如此重要。
  • 34、当我们第一次相见,我并没想到你对我如此重要。
  • 35、The tears is out of eyes squeezed out after the piercing without color of blood.
  • 36、大胆质疑,大胆发表自己的见解,敢于发问,才有大的进步。
  • 37、After all, the man or woman of style, the fall.
  • 38、I am always afraid that one day you will find that I am not as good as you think I am.
  • 39、秋天是庄稼成熟的季节,也是农民伯伯最喜爱的季节。高粱涨红了脸,苞米咧开了嘴,黄澄澄的玉米粒,象一颗颗金豆子,谷子笑弯了腰,正向我们鞠躬,大豆被风吹得乐出了声
  • 40、时间最是无情,会改变每一个人;时间也最是公正,让你看透人心。

  • 41、The essence of fashion is kidnapping women's head, and then ask the pockets of the man.
  • 42、人本是人,不必刻意去做人。世本是世,无须精心去处世。
  • 43、我们太小,不懂爱与被爱。只知道我们的心受到了伤害。
  • 44、I want to be a faithful lover, or a not old youth.
  • 45、那曾经的繁花盛事,也许不过南柯一梦,终将无痕。
  • 46、今后的路,我希望你能自己好好走下去,而我,坐车。
  • 47、你不快乐是因为你没有好好爱自己,且常常因为别人而消耗着自己。
  • 秋雨霏霏,让树叶瑟瑟发抖,那曾经给我们带来收获的树木,在风雨的摧残下,留下孤独的树枝。
  • 48、秋雨霏霏,让树叶瑟瑟发抖,那曾经给我们带来收获的树木,在风雨的摧残下,留下孤独的树枝。
  • 49、You are very good at parting, and I will pretend not to care.
  • 50、Time to stay in the past, you should laugh and let go.

  • 51、Find the residual happiness, my world is full of love to you.
  • 52、I was still in place, silly waiting for you to come back.
  • 53、这个秋天有很多的冰冷,这个秋夜满眼是红树,满眼寂寂,又听得清角吹寒,呜呜咽咽,空空荡荡,端的是素秋难敌,风雨愁煞人,不如怀念。
  • 54、The end of the pen, people also go, really a two wide, all the joy of life.
  • 55、我想要的是一个不变心的情人,还是一段不老的青春。
  • 56、How ridiculous! I was trying to impress you with my stick!
  • 57、Don't listen to the slow song don't revisit don't drink drunk and don't think of him.
  • 58、瑟瑟西风满院栽蕊寒香冷蝶难来它年我欲为青帝报与桃花一处开。