
  • 1、梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。
  • 2、There is no fear is to fight the capital nothing is the reason for spelling.
  • 3、人的一生一定要有一段让你回想起来热泪盈眶的日子。
  • 4、As long as you want to plant the seeds of memories, can find a virgin land in your heart. Break up, start now.
  • 5、我不怕四面楚歌临敌千千万,我只怕我们轻易松手不战而降。
  • Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incompetent, don't give up this give up is ignorance, not giving up shouldn't give up is persistent!
  • 6、Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incompetent, don't give up this give up is ignorance, not giving up shouldn't give up is persistent!
  • 7、Everyone is a cup of cloudy water, start and will continue to someone to help you to clarify. When you become clear, don't forget those who drank the sediment.
  • 8、不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少。
  • 9、The law of success is extremely simple, but simple does not mean easy.
  • 10、Difficulties like springs, you weak it strong, you strong it weak.

  • 11、相互了解是朋友,相互理解是知己。
  • 12、Not success is too far away from us, but we insist on too little.
  • 13、放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能,不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执著!
  • 14、从不后悔遇见过谁,只是后悔怎么成了现在这样的自己。
  • 15、你不能总是等着时机成熟,有时候,你必须要主动搏一把。
  • 16、死脑筋的人相信命运,活脑筋的人相信机会。
  • 17、Dream, is the conviction that his own belief, desire to complete the ideal insist on and never give up, is that everyone who owns her one of the greatest wealth.
  • 18、人生在世界是短暂的,对这短暂的人生,我们最好的报答就是工作。
  • 19、与其当一辈子乌鸦,莫如当一次鹰。
  • 20、你丫别跟哥谈良心,哥没有,上几天刚捐了。

    Lend me a smile, the vicissitudes of life, leisurely ferry.
  • 21、Lend me a smile, the vicissitudes of life, leisurely ferry.
  • 22、随时保持,认识自己的价值,做一个能真正坚定自己的珍宝商。
  • 23、Positive thinking leads to positive life, negative thinking leads to negative life.
  • 24、Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incompetent, don't give up this give up is ignorance, not giving up shouldn't give up is persistent!
  • 25、迩唱的那首情歌,我用悲伤和。
  • 26、有朋友的人像平原一要宽广,没有朋友的人却像窄狭的手掌。
  • 27、曾经说过陪我老去的人,至今年轻的活在别人的宇宙里。
  • 28、如果你想得到,你就会得到,你所需要付出的只是行动。
  • 29、有益者不为,无益者为之,所以苦其劳而不见成功。
  • 30、原来人的心是可以装很多人时不时就换一个装来玩玩。

  • 31、奋斗是人在身处逆境、面临考验的一种拼搏精神,是人的一种可贵品质。
  • 32、世界充满了我们相遇的几率,我却始终无法遇见你。
  • 33、If one day, you no longer remember, I no longer remember, time will replace we remember.
  • 34、The world is filled with the chance that we meet, but I can't meet you.
  • 35、Everyone is a cup of cloudy water, start and will continue to someone to help you to clarify. When you become clear, don't forget those who drank the sediment.
  • Time has taken away our past, and took away the past us.
  • 36、Time has taken away our past, and took away the past us.
  • 37、不要皱眉,即使在伤心的时刻,因为你从不知道有谁会醉心于你的笑容。
  • 38、我会惧怕孤独吗?我只是偶尔会感觉寂寞。
  • 39、困难像弹簧,你弱它就强,你强它就弱。
  • 40、通过辛勤工作获得财富才是人生的大快事。

  • 41、谁看不起你都和你没关系,可是自己不能看不起自己。
  • 42、A person's small life, a small random, a person's good mood.
  • 43、My love for you has never stopped, but I don't let anyone else know.
  • 44、Ask not what others have done for you, but what you have done for others.
  • 45、不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少。
  • 46、Hard to cross the river of life, I don't trust "squirrel", also don't trust "cattle", I was vain attempt.
  • 47、求人不如求己这句话永远是不会错的。
  • 48、I gave it to the, I am willing, in addition to let you know my heart.
  • 49、从不后悔遇见过谁,只是后悔怎么成了现在这样的自己。
  • 50、为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。

    Came to stay the course, the success; By the wayside, hopes.
  • 51、Came to stay the course, the success; By the wayside, hopes.
  • 52、Friends all over the world, everything is all right, information sources, the wider, the more chance to reap the benefits.
  • 53、The spider won't fly, but it can give network knot in the air. Miracle is persistent.
  • 54、I gave it to the, I am willing, in addition to let you know my heart.
  • 55、做人诚为本,做事实为基。
  • 56、Time has taken away our past, and took away the past us.
  • 57、Can not touch the happiness, and then efforts are futile.
  • 58、People rely on others is not a skill, rely on their own really ability.
  • 59、只要迈出第一步,离成功就近了一大半。