
  • 1、我想知道这些仓皇南飞的大雁究竟带走了谁的思念。
  • 2、人生有两种境界,一种是痛而不言,另一种是笑而不语。
  • 3、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
  • 4、Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.
  • 5、Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • 6、Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • 7、People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.

  • 8、众人请他指点破解的方法,他说:“魔鬼最怕的就是人多,人一旦多起来,魔鬼就不敢行凶作恶了。
  • 9、每个人都会遇见那么一个人,永远无法忘却,也永远不能拥有。
  • 10、如果最后能和你在一起迟一点真的没关系。
  • 11、我也想好好的被一个人爱,一爱也是一辈子。
  • 12、每个人都会遇见那么一个人,永远无法忘却,也永远不能拥有。
  • 13、你眉间透露的爱恋,仿佛我是你的宝贝不愿看到我流下一滴眼泪。
  • 14、Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.
  • 15、爱情不能用常识衡量。
  • 16、你笑脸背地的悲伤,你怒火里掩藏的爱意,你缄默之下的起因,谁看得懂,谁明确。
  • 17、You say you want to protect me, then the strong wind and big waves are also to you.

  • 18、但也要吸取教训,不能过于经常的为自己说过的话后悔。
  • 19、你从不揣摩我的心思,却还责怪我善变难懂。
  • Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 20、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 21、挤不进去的世界就不要挤了,碍了别人的眼,累了自己的心。
  • 22、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.
  • 23、与其逃避现实,不如笑对人生。
  • 24、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 25、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
  • 26、你真别看清,看清,心痛。
  • 27、Not do not want to have, just afraid of losing, more afraid to lose, to remember to live.

  • 28、Slowly, learn a person silently bear all, don't let people see through. Learn to hide every heartache, in the crowd is strong.
  • 29、能笑到快要断气的人自然也可以哭得无声无息。
  • 30、陪我们走到最后的人,也许算不上是最爱,但会是最合适的。
  • 31、默念你的名字千万遍因爲給皒旳承諾,沵變旳有負擔。
  • 32、Last life I owe you, this life I also, this life you owe me, the next life to me.
  • 33、尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!
  • The heart is relaxed not to complain about not to hate not to imagine.
  • 34、The heart is relaxed not to complain about not to hate not to imagine.
  • 35、Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.
  • 36、累了就睡觉,醒来就微笑。
  • 37、我也想好好的被一个人爱,一爱也是一辈子。

  • 38、微信上的朋友有很多,难过却不知找谁陪。
  • 39、感谢你牵过我的手,可惜你不能陪我到最后。
  • 40、纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
  • 41、如果一瓶酒,能让我咽下前半年所有的心酸,那我先干为敬。
  • 42、累了就睡觉,醒来就微笑。
  • 43、The greatest joy in the world is to share, whether love or friendship.
  • 44、手:本指形状像手的物品,转指人(多指有某种技能的人)。
  • 45、你觉得你朋友多吗?下雨天在通讯录里你也许都找不到一个可以送伞的人。
  • 46、时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你。
  • 47、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.

  • 48、失望,有时候也是一种幸福,因为有所期待所以才会失望。因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。
  • 49、如果没有你,在我孤单寂寞的时候,有谁来给予我需要的温暖。
  • 50、There are two realms of life, one is pain, the other is laughter, and the other is not language.
  • 51、要得身体好,娶妻莫过早。
  • 52、I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.
  • 53、If there is no you, in my lonely lonely, who will give me the warmth of need.
  • 54、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • 55、Love is a burden I can't afford. Love words are just lies cashed by chance.
  • 56、我会惧怕孤独吗?我只是偶尔会感觉寂寞。
  • 57、你是我隐匿多年,不愿提笔书写的旧事。

  • 58、To accompany us to the end of the people, may not be the most love, but will be the most appropriate.