
  • 1、Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.
  • 2、觉得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之间。
  • 3、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 4、结婚九块,离婚十二块,傻子才离婚呢那么贵!
  • 5、The so-called love is to have so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.

  • 6、有些话,注定烂在心里。有些伤,注定难以愈合。有些事,注定无法抹去。有些人,注定无可替代。
  • 7、爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
  • 8、突然发现在某些时候说某些话,真的很可笑。
  • 9、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。
  • 10、Loneliness is when you talk, no one is listening, someone is listening, but you have no words to say.
  • 11、When you fall in love, is to give each other, together. Love, is together, not separate.
  • 12、漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓音无赖似穷愁。淡烟流水画屏幽,自在飞花皆似梦。无边私语细如愁,宝帘闲挂小银钩。
  • 13、漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓音无赖似穷愁。淡烟流水画屏幽,自在飞花皆似梦。无边私语细如愁,宝帘闲挂小银钩。
  • 14、There is no sunshine flowers don't sweet, love life is not sweet.
  • 15、说不出千言万语,咽了咽口水,把这些要说的憋在心里。

  • 16、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。
  • 17、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 18、11.少走了弯路,也就错过了风景,无论如何,感谢经历。
  • 19、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • You are the sun, I am a sunflower, always, firmly to you.
  • 20、You are the sun, I am a sunflower, always, firmly to you.
  • 21、不要走开,我不想让你的身影消失在我的视线不要转身,我不想让你看到那紧随你发呆的眼
  • 22、爱情不仅丰富多彩,而且还赏心悦目。
  • 23、I will love you to the heart, but I will not love you without a face.
  • 24、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心,左手依然没有握住你的右手。
  • 25、爱别人,也被别人爱,这就是一切,这就是宇宙的法则。为了爱,我们才存在。

  • 26、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 27、If you are waiting for you is a kind of happiness, then let it go is a kind of perfect, perfect on both sides.
  • 28、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界。
  • 29、11.少走了弯路,也就错过了风景,无论如何,感谢经历。
  • 30、爱情、希望、恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。
  • 31、记忆流成河,我在岸边经过,闭上眼睛,悲欢交错。
  • 32、Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure.
  • 33、When we met, but the indifference in sentimental farewell.
  • The same word, both miss, but also missed.
  • 34、The same word, both miss, but also missed.
  • 35、我要放弃了,能看我一眼吗。

  • 36、只有自己变好才能拥有更好
  • 37、His wife coaxed the spoil is not a shame, this is called love.
  • 38、等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。
  • 39、若你陪我七世厌不厌。
  • 40、努力过后才知道,许多事情,坚持坚持就过来了。
  • 41、I can not say it why love you, but I know that you are the one I don't love others reasons.
  • 42、扬言要陪我走完一生的你总是迷路
  • 43、When love is lost, it can only prove that we are incompetent.
  • 44、There is a kind of feeling called sharing, and there is a kind of happiness called secret love.
  • 45、Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.

  • 46、Sometimes I think of a person, a memory, a smile, a recollection, and a cry.
  • 47、缘起缘灭,缘浓缘淡,不是我们能够控制的。我们能做到的,是在因缘际会的时侯好好的珍惜那短暂的时光。
  • 看见了,世界美好,霞光万丈;看不见,地暗天昏,人生失迷。
  • 48、看见了,世界美好,霞光万丈;看不见,地暗天昏,人生失迷。
  • 49、I spend my youth in my secret love, but I can't be with you!
  • 50、生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。
  • 51、总有那么一个人,只要冲你一笑,就把你打败了。
  • 52、自己的媳妇哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。
  • 53、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手!
  • 54、Marriage nine pieces, twelve pieces, fool just divorce so expensive!
  • 55、你的轻轻一瞥,却被我看做是深情回眸,这就是暗恋。

  • 56、I can not say it why love you, but I know that you are the one I don't love others reasons.