
  • 1、我爱你像飞蛾扑火甘之如饴心甘情愿
  • 2、I don't regret not to meet you in the best time, because the best time to start after met you.
  • 3、take my rest life over to endow you a belief in goodliness forever.
  • 4、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 5、When you feel like hope is gone,look inside you and search your soul.you will find a hero lies in you.dreams are hard to follow,but don't let anyone steal your dream.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
  • 6、Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
  • 7、Life is a journey. What we should care about is not where it's headed but what we see and how we feel.
  • 8、你可以不乖你不能去学坏
  • 9、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.

  • 10、take my rest life over to endow you a belief in goodliness forever.
  • 11、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but in front of my eyes, you not in my eyes.
  • 12、Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely.
  • 13、藏在心底的话并不是故意要去隐瞒,只是并不是所有的疼痛都能呐喊。.
  • 14、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 15、你应该向前走总回头有什么用
  • 16、We never really grow up, we just learned to pretend in front of others.
  • 17、We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs.
  • 18、life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
  • 19、Only the best can follow one's inclinations. This is the best state of life.

    There isn't a setback and comes with a smile, but there are some setbacks can be conquered in a smile.
  • 20、There isn't a setback and comes with a smile, but there are some setbacks can be conquered in a smile.
  • 21、to be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
  • 22、我怎会不懂,你是我触摸不到的太阳啊
  • 23、Time went on, the clock could not turn backwards, so all things as long as in the past, will never regret complains.
  • 24、taking all my time off .thinking of you
  • 25、No one can take away what's trurly yours..so if they took it away, it wasn't yours. Something better is on its way!
  • 26、我和你的区别就是:我当你是唯一。而你则把我当成是其中之一
  • 27、When we stop complaining about the existing problems, and grateful to lucky some problems we don't have, is the happiness comes.
  • 28、你应该向前走总回头有什么用
  • 29、希望你们今后的每一个夜晚没有痛苦没有孤独没有哭泣没有迷茫没有心酸

  • 30、看不见你的时候,思念像座山压在胸口;看得见你的时候,快乐像条河涌进心头;让山和水来见证我对你的思念。
  • 31、我怎会不懂,你是我触摸不到的太阳啊
  • 32、When we stop complaining about the existing problems, and grateful to lucky some problems we don't have, is the happiness comes.
  • 33、我爱你像飞蛾扑火甘之如饴心甘情愿
  • 倘若说分一次手就像咳一个嗽我又何苦在乎得不到的温柔
  • 34、倘若说分一次手就像咳一个嗽我又何苦在乎得不到的温柔
  • 35、Not happy, is not the life out of the question, but the way you live out of the question.
  • 36、我拿你当命,你当我有病。
  • 37、Can forgive, can not care, can give up, can be forgotten, but you can not don't love myself.
  • 38、我怎会不懂,你是我触摸不到的太阳啊
  • 39、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

  • 40、会有人游去你的月球让你不用独自漫游
  • 41、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 42、不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。人累了,就休息;心累了,就淡定。长大了,成熟了,这个社会就看透了。累了难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。因为这个世界上没有人能同情你,怜悯你。你哭了,眼泪是你自己的;你痛了,没有人能体会到。
  • 43、Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
  • 44、希望你们今后的每一个夜晚没有痛苦没有孤独没有哭泣没有迷茫没有心酸
  • 45、No one can take away what's trurly yours..so if they took it away, it wasn't yours. Something better is on its way!
  • 46、你应该向前走总回头有什么用
  • 47、even if someone breaks your heart, there is always someone willing to mend it.
  • 闺密有了新闺密我不再是她的消愁工具
  • 48、闺密有了新闺密我不再是她的消愁工具
  • 49、我拿你当命,你当我有病。

  • 50、you not once gave me one time to turn the head, i always in smiled actually to you.
  • 51、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
  • 52、我和你的区别就是:我当你是唯一。而你则把我当成是其中之一
  • 53、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 54、藏在心底的话并不是故意要去隐瞒,只是并不是所有的疼痛都能呐喊。.
  • 55、May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.
  • 56、闺密有了新闺密我不再是她的消愁工具
  • 57、满天星星不及你一弯眉眼里的星辰大海。