

  • 2、写一段温暖的诗,唱一首动人的歌,画一幅清新的图,献给伟大的母亲,愿世上所有的母亲都能快乐健康!
  • 3、Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just a place to smile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. I wish you a happy mother's Day!
  • 4、您像一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。妈妈,祝你母亲节快乐!
  • 5、Would you like a tree, leaning against the spring of your imagination, summer, leaning against you lush, fall against you mature, winter musters your meditation. Mom, happy mother's Day!
  • Mom: you've been working hard for over ten years! I hope to send my special greetings on this special day! Wish: Happy Mother's Day! Mom, I love you forever!
  • 6、Mom: you've been working hard for over ten years! I hope to send my special greetings on this special day! Wish: Happy Mother's Day! Mom, I love you forever!
  • 7、母亲的爱,一生相伴的和蔼慈祥。
  • 8、世上只有妈妈亲,我对哈哈哈情谊真。
  • 9、握着母爱的手,健康把你留。
  • 10、母亲的爱,就像大海,无边无际深不可测。
  • 11、When you are sad, you are comforted; when you are depressed, you are hoping; when weak, you are strength; mother's Day is going to send out blessings, wish mom, health and longevity, bless mom, happiness is long.

  • 12、时光,慢些走,别让妈妈再老了!
  • 13、走遍天涯海角,您在的地方才是永远的家;听遍千言万语,您说的话才是金玉良言;吃遍四面八方,您做的饭菜才是最香;看遍人情冷暖,您给的关心才是最真挚的爱。母亲节,愿您健康快乐,笑口常开!
  • 14、Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just the place to smile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. I wish you a happy festival, healthy and happy!
  • 15、For me, her black hair turned white hair, although the years left countless traces on her, but I remember to thank her! It's hard, mom!
  • 16、怀念儿时你温暖怀抱,最大愿望是你永远不老,内心珍藏你亲切微笑,祝所有妈妈日子越过越好!母亲节快乐,天天快乐!
  • 17、哈哈哈爱,是一支支细细的铅笔,教我写规范的字。
  • 18、妈妈,您为了我黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,谢谢您!您辛苦了!我会尽我所能报答您--我最亲的妈妈!祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 不要担心老之将至,你的岁月里会一直有我。
  • 19、不要担心老之将至,你的岁月里会一直有我。
  • 20、Mother is my greatest teacher, a teacher full of kindness and intrepid spirit. If you love the flower sweet, so my mother is the sweet flower of love.
  • 21、Although you sometimes have some wordy, some temper, but I still think that you are the best wife in my mind, the best mother of the child.

  • 22、母爱是一份香包,把祝福带给子女。
  • 23、当父母老了,陪着他们慢慢走。
  • 24、When you are sad, you are comforted; when you are depressed, you are hoping; when weak, you are strength; mother's Day is going to send out blessings, wish mom, health and longevity, bless mom, happiness is long.
  • 25、妈妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 26、长大后,想家其实就是想妈妈!
  • 27、母爱延绵,一点一滴,将岁月贯穿。
  • 28、世界上有一种专门拆散亲子关系的怪物,叫做长大。
  • 29、您生生世世是儿的妈;儿世世生生是您的娃。
  • 30、哈哈哈爱,是一支支细细的铅笔,教我写规范的字。
  • 31、Mother's love is the umbrella that always supports you. When the storm comes, it suddenly finds mother's hardship. Mother's love is your steadfast gaze behind you. When you look back suddenly, you can see the figure of your mother's watch.

    When you are sad, you are comforted; when you are depressed, you are hoping; when weak, you are strength; mother's Day is going to send out blessings, wish mom, health and longevity, bless mom, happiness is long.
  • 32、When you are sad, you are comforted; when you are depressed, you are hoping; when weak, you are strength; mother's Day is going to send out blessings, wish mom, health and longevity, bless mom, happiness is long.
  • 33、妈妈,您为了我黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,谢谢您!您辛苦了!我会尽我所能报答您--我最亲的妈妈!祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 34、Mother is my greatest teacher, a teacher full of kindness and intrepid spirit. If you love the flower sweet, so my mother is the sweet flower of love.
  • 35、妈妈是我最伟大的老师,一个充满慈爱和富于无畏精神的老师。如果说爱如花般甜美,那么我的母亲就是那朵甜美的爱之花。
  • 36、世界上美有很多种,你是最美丽的那一种。
  • 37、有生之年,好好爱家人。
  • 38、您像一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。妈妈,祝你母亲节快乐!
  • 39、母爱是那顶始终为你撑着的伞,暴雨袭来才突然发现母亲的艰辛;母爱是你身后坚定的目光,蓦然回首才看到母亲守望的身影。
  • 40、今天是你的节日,特此通知我的老婆,早晨我会为你做早饭;今天是你的节日,我的老婆,晚上我们还要一起浪漫!
  • 41、Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just a place to smile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. I wish you a happy mother's Day!

  • 42、有您牵挂,世间母爱最伟大。
  • 43、因为母亲,我骨子里有着忍辱负重的隐忍。
  • 44、Although you sometimes have some wordy, some temper, but I still think that you are the best wife in my mind, the best mother of the child.
  • 在悲伤时您是慰藉;在沮丧时您是希望;在软弱时您是力量;母亲节到,送出祝福,祝愿妈妈,健康长寿;祝福妈妈,幸福长留。
  • 45、在悲伤时您是慰藉;在沮丧时您是希望;在软弱时您是力量;母亲节到,送出祝福,祝愿妈妈,健康长寿;祝福妈妈,幸福长留。
  • 46、写一段温暖的诗,唱一首动人的歌,画一幅清新的图,献给伟大的母亲,愿世上所有的母亲都能快乐健康!
  • 47、Remembrance the warmth of your childhood, the greatest wish is that you are never old, and keep your warm smile in your heart, and wish all Mommy days better! Happy mother's day, happy every day!
  • 48、生命如此奇妙,感觉如此美妙。血脉共呼共吸,两人相依相靠。为你真心欢喜,祝福及时赶到。亲爱的妈妈,祝您节日快乐!
  • 49、Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just a place to smile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. I wish you a happy mother's Day!
  • 50、是最美的面孔,伴我拼搏争成功。
  • 51、养儿方知育儿难,当我作了母亲才明白了您对我点点滴滴的爱,在这个特别的日子里,我要告诉您我爱您!

  • 52、世上只有妈妈好,没有天就没有地,没有您就没有我,谢谢您给我带来的一切一切。祝您母亲节快乐!
  • 53、母爱一生不断,亲情一世牵绊。
  • 54、My mother's nagging, like weather, old and new, advance warning to you; my mother's nagging, like spring bubbling and endless sweat. I have a deep wish for a happy mother's holiday!