
  • 1、海中放毒,山顶点火。
  • 2、When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
  • 3、If you want to get more grain, you need to accumulate fertilizer regularly.
  • 4、吃面多喝汤,免得开药方。
  • 5、点葫芦头不敲打不出来

  • 6、一千银子坐吃两年半,坐吃山空海也干。
  • 7、Gourmet food can not be used up, greed makes people sick.
  • 8、A happy man rides a horse with a taller chest.
  • 9、一言既出,驷马难追。
  • 10、不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。
  • 11、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。
  • 12、各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜。
  • 13、Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies.
  • 14、The radish makes tea and starves the doctor's teeth.
  • 15、Love and hatred, both blind.

  • 16、假话说一次,真话都无人信了。
  • 17、大雾不过三,过三阴雨天。
  • 18、韭菜炒蒜苗清(青)一色
  • 19、不怕旱,不怕涝,兴修水利头一条。
  • No fear of drought, no fear of waterlogging, the first water conservancy construction.
  • 20、No fear of drought, no fear of waterlogging, the first water conservancy construction.
  • 21、The other side, a soup; the other side, a water tank.
  • 22、人靠血养,苗靠水活。
  • 23、竹筒倒豌豆一干二净
  • 24、Good flowers bear good fruit, good seeds grow good rice.
  • 25、山林树木知春意。

  • 26、植树造林,富国利民。
  • 27、Fall in love with the monkeys also Peugeot, look at the bear also beautiful.
  • 28、稻要河泥麦要粪。
  • 29、有病早治,省钱省事。
  • 30、Good flowers bear good fruit, good seeds grow good rice.
  • 31、If you want to be rich, plant more trees.
  • 32、没把的葫芦抓不住
  • 33、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的爱情。
  • It's better to make up for everything than to eat it.
  • 34、It's better to make up for everything than to eat it.
  • 35、People say bitter melon is bitter, I say bitter melon is sweet.

  • 36、八月间的核桃满人(仁)
  • 37、大雁来,种小麦。
  • 38、豌豆下沟顺着滚
  • 39、From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.
  • 40、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。
  • 41、Honeybees come home late. It's going to be fine tomorrow.
  • 42、没把的葫芦抓不住
  • 43、Dark clouds follow the sun and rain falls in the Ming Dynasty.
  • 44、草上结罗网,河里水要涨。
  • 45、要爱又兼要理性是不可能的。

  • 46、Ants move down the snake aisle and go out to watch out for rain bubbles.
  • 47、天上灰布悬,雨丝定连绵。
  • 冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响
  • 48、冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响
  • 49、Three good to one good, three bad to one bad.
  • 50、蜜蜂归窠迟,来日好天气。
  • 51、Money is a sister, but money is a servant.
  • 52、炉子里烤山芋拣熟的拿
  • 53、The stars are watery and the rain is hopeful.
  • 54、As long as you sleep, your head is willing to fall asleep.
  • 55、Fertilizer laughs at you to see if you can find it.

  • 56、Sometimes I think about it all the time, but sometimes I don't think about it all the time.