
  • 1、长犁短耙高吊磙。
  • 2、Watershed melon, ten years nine years blind.

  • 3、When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
  • 4、Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies.
  • 5、少壮及时宜努力,老大无堪还可憎。
  • 夏天不锄地,冬天饿肚皮。
  • 6、夏天不锄地,冬天饿肚皮。
  • 7、人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。
  • 8、挖苗不除根,大棵抱小孙。
  • 9、Watershed melon, ten years nine years blind.
  • 10、刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。
  • 11、Deep-planting eggplant and shallow-planting tobacco, want to eat sweet potato ground dip.
  • 12、立夏无雨三伏热,重阳无雨一冬晴。

  • 13、If you don't wear pointed shoes, you don't know your toes hurt.
  • 14、心要常操,身要长劳。
  • 15、People are iron, rice is steel, three days do not eat hungry panic.
  • 16、有理摆到事上,好钢使到刃上。
  • 17、立夏东南风,大旱六月中。
  • 18、一穗两穗,一月入囤。
  • If you are not afraid of pepsi's disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.
  • 19、If you are not afraid of pepsi's disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.
  • 20、杨柳发青,百疾皆生。
  • 21、好喂不如好使。
  • 22、一天一根线,十年积成缎。

  • 23、善恶随人作,祸福自己招。
  • 24、昼雨夜晴没好天,明日依旧雨绵绵。
  • 25、命由己定,相由心生,福祸无门,唯己心造。
  • 26、It's better to burn incense in a thousand miles than to respect your parents at home.
  • 27、Good and evil do as others do, and good and evil do their own tricks.
  • 28、Destiny is determined by oneself, and each other is born by one's heart. There is no way for happiness or misfortune to be created by one's own mind.
  • 29、病急乱投医,逢庙就烧香。
  • 30、If you are not afraid of pepsi's disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.
  • 31、定苗带个篮,蚜株移出田。
  • 莫说年纪小,人生容易老。


  • 33、Three meals a day, one night a night.
  • 34、A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning.
  • 35、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。
  • 36、旧情永难忘,往日的爱情难以忘怀。
  • 37、草膘料力水精神。
  • 38、Not afraid of disorder, just afraid of not investigating.
  • 39、立夏无雨三伏热,重阳无雨一冬晴。
  • 40、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。
  • 41、干完活,驴打滚,牛倒沫。
  • 42、劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。

  • 43、若要牲口把膘保,千万莫喂霉烂草。
  • 44、有山必有路,有水必有渡。
  • Willows are green and all diseases are born.
  • 45、Willows are green and all diseases are born.
  • 46、人是铁,饭是钢,三日不吃饿得慌。
  • 47、Eat people's mouth short, take people's hand short.
  • 48、The eggs should grow up and the knife should face down.
  • 49、Wisdom is not in old age, but in the brain.
  • 50、草膘料力水精神。
  • 51、The mice still have three cents of grain in stock. The head of grain is not thrifty, but the tail of grain shouts for food.
  • 52、立夏起北风,十口鱼塘九口空。

  • 53、There are no trees that can't be sawn down, no bells that can't ring.
  • 54、家有闲地,种芝麻黍稷。