
  • 1、君子成人之美,不成人之恶。
  • 2、No rain, how can I see the rainbow.
  • 3、兴之所至,心之所安;尽其在我,顺其自然。
  • 4、征服困难,就是荣耀。

  • 5、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。
  • When life changed in seconds to calculate, you will feel like a second life as a hurry, when life changed by day to calculate, you will feel like a life long day long.
  • 6、When life changed in seconds to calculate, you will feel like a second life as a hurry, when life changed by day to calculate, you will feel like a life long day long.
  • 7、Where we are, we must have peace of mind, do everything we can and let nature take its course.
  • 8、没有家的人,就可以把任何一个地方都当做家。
  • 9、Expect love, but do not force love, will not love, full of expectations waiting for you, in order to hope that the rest of your life is you.
  • 10、Little without learning, old without knowing.
  • 11、当你离我远去的时侯,我很害怕,我以为我不会在乎,但流下的眼泪却骗不了自己!
  • 12、Love is the history of a woman's life, but only an episode in a man's life.
  • 13、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 14、Love is a fickle guy. It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything.

  • 15、期待每一次的星满天空。但这景象的出现像是幻想。一天天地憔悴,这无法挽回的地步何时感动天,何时感动地,何时感动你!
  • 16、爱,有如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。
  • 17、爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。
  • 18、真正的爱情是双方互相无条件投降。
  • 19、如果你发现自己放不下对方,那就不要再强求自己去忘记,因为这样只会让你更加痛苦,让一切顺其自然吧。
  • 要是有人追求,世界上没有一个女人不是飘飘然的。正因为这样,女人才会那么迷死人。
  • 20、要是有人追求,世界上没有一个女人不是飘飘然的。正因为这样,女人才会那么迷死人。
  • 21、Don't try to cover your pain with another emotion. If you really love each other, it will only hurt you more, but it will also hurt another person.
  • 22、用心计较般般错,退步思量事事宽。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成萌。此之为成事之理也。
  • 23、相信自己,一定能成功。
  • 24、真正的爱,在放弃个人的幸福之后才能产生。

  • 25、If they are always neglected, why should they be humiliated? If they are not cherished, why should they suffer to maintain.
  • 26、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 27、Right, insist; wrong, give up!
  • 28、生命生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。
  • 29、Because of the injury, the feeling becomes more careful.
  • 30、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 31、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。
  • 32、人怕没理,狗怕夹尾。
  • 33、最好的朋友是你们静坐在游廊上,一句话也不说,当你们各自走开的时候,仍感到你们经历了一场十分精彩的对话。
  • 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。


  • 35、浩荡入溟阔,志泰心超然。
  • 36、To catch fish, first weave a net; to build a bridge, first pile.
  • 37、我喜欢你,无关风月。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。
  • 38、如果你发现自己放不下对方,那就不要再强求自己去忘记,因为这样只会让你更加痛苦,让一切顺其自然吧。
  • 39、当人生换上用秒去计算时,你会觉得人生过得象秒针一样匆忙,当人生换上用天去计算时,你会觉得人生长久的象一天一样漫长。
  • 40、不知情人在何方,只能抬头望远方。不知是在东南方,还是远在西北方。无论如何在何方,都要赶去那地方。
  • 41、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。
  • 42、He who knows little is fond of learning, but he who asks shame is complacent.
  • 43、结婚不宜早,只要配得好。
  • 44、There is no lofty ambition, men have to seek peace and leisure.

  • 45、人生有三重境界:看山是山,看水是水;看山不是山,看水不是水;看山还是山,看水还是水。
  • 46、人生最大的失败,就是放弃。
  • 47、平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。
  • 我喜欢你,无关风月。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。
  • 48、我喜欢你,无关风月。我愿你好,即使后来你与我全然无关。
  • 49、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 50、平时不好学,临考悔已迟。
  • 51、A woman's heart is a glass bottle filled with water. It is full, but it seems that there is nothing in it.
  • 52、女人用友情来拒绝爱情。男人用友情来换取爱情。
  • 53、Love should be a solemn pledge of love, only one, true to the core of love, is the true love.
  • 54、The mood is very depressed, the heart's suffering is far more than the injury on the body! Don't want to cry, even if bitten lips! I hope you can bear it!

  • 55、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。