Courage to face a feeling can not be solved, perhaps, letting each other is the only way out

  • 1、How I want to see you, see you recently changed.
  • 2、Fading is true while flowering is past.
  • 3、有些事,在历经沧桑后,开始不着痕迹的更改。曾经,不管握得有多紧,最终都会失去。而我们,正在逐渐的老去。

  • 4、You never know the way I feel lonely, because you are not in my most lonely.
  • 5、钟情怕到相思路,盼长堤,草尽红心。动愁吟,碧落黄泉,两处谁寻。朱彝尊《高阳台》
  • 千古盈亏休问。王沂孙《眉妩》
  • 6、千古盈亏休问。王沂孙《眉妩》
  • 7、你始终隐藏在我记忆的最深处,一个连我自己都触不及的角落。
  • 8、宇宙在我眼里,已经由所有美和信仰的寄托物变成了一具膨胀的尸体
  • 9、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。
  • 10、I in this world, stop and go, searching, is to meet with you.
  • 11、不理睬是最大的轻蔑。
  • 12、那一个月,我没有见人,可那一个月,不能没有你的声音,虽然飘渺,但却满足。虽是虚幻,但很心甘。
  • 13、《时间之外的往事》(节选)中这样描述黑暗森里理论对人类文明深远的影响。

  • 14、此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离。
  • 15、有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求。
  • 16、In love folly is always sweet.。
  • 17、看着你离去的背影,我泪如雨滴,最后一次呼吸着空气中有你的气息。
  • 18、I in this world, stop and go, searching, is to meet with you.
  • 19、Say forever, I do not know how to spread.
  • At home to see always be home, go out to see the world.
  • 20、At home to see always be home, go out to see the world.
  • 21、爱你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开你了,比很久很久还要久。
  • 22、你永远不知道我寂寞的样子,因为你不在的时候我最寂寞。
  • 23、In this strange city, I learned to separate.

  • 24、不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。
  • 25、给岁月以文明,而不是给文明以岁月。
  • 26、逢场作戏和真心厮守,在心里永远有明显的分界线。
  • 27、莫言相见阔,天上日应殊。宋之问《七夕》
  • 28、当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。
  • 29、有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求。
  • 30、空惆怅,相见无由。从今后,断魂千里,夜夜岳阳楼。徐君宝妻《满庭芳》
  • 31、The wounds were so beautiful that I wouldn't let go of my smile!
  • 32、同为军人,知道我们之间最大的区别在哪里吗,你们按照可能的结果来决定自己的行动;而我们,不管结果如何,必须尽责任,这是唯一的机会,所以我就做了。
  • 33、Watching you leave the back, my tears like rain, the last breath of air in your breath.

  • 34、欲他征夫早归来,腾身却放我向青云里。敦煌词
  • 35、Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return.
  • 36、留得悲秋残影在,分付旗亭。王鹏运《浪淘沙》
  • 37、Say forever, I do not know how to spread.
  • 38、In this strange city, I learned to separate.
  • 39、奥本海默在看到第一颗核弹爆炸时说的一句话,引用了印度史诗《薄伽梵歌》,恒星级核弹设计者艾伦再次引用它时,雷迪亚兹以为别人洞穿了他的战略。
  • 40、It seems to wait for one hundred years, suddenly understand that even if we meet again, mature performances, it is better not to see.
  • 41、思量只有梦来去,更不怕,江拦住。黄庭坚《望江东》
  • 42、尽管知道计划不可能成功,但章北海军人的本性还是促使他完成了自己的使命。这也是危机前的军人与危机纪元中的军人最大的区别。
  • 43、There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful.

  • 44、I don't have any nostalgia, although I would want to Tianya want to Cape.
  • 45、宇宙中有多少重大事件的信息正在以光速向我们飞来,有些可能已经飞了上亿年,但我们仍在这些事件的光锥之外,斐兹罗将军以一个恰当的比喻,概括了智子窥视地球一切的事实。
  • 46、也应惊问:近来多少华发。辛弃疾《念奴娇》
  • 47、You are everything when you are with you, and everything is you when you are not!
  • I have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter.
  • 48、I have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter.
  • 49、总一种凄凉,十分憔悴,尚有燕台佳句。柳如是《金明池》
  • 50、Promise more, can not do, it is just a lie.
  • 51、就在那一瞬间,我仿佛听见了全世界崩溃的声音。
  • 52、这句话似乎在呼应第一部中那句千秋功罪,可真的有人评说了,程心被派往未来,希望阶梯计划不被未来所遗忘或误解。
  • 53、Love is a kind of encounter, can not wait, can not be prepared

  • 54、In this strange city, I learned to separate.
  • 55、The wounds were so beautiful that I wouldn't let go of my smile!
  • 56、丁仪在怪笑着,预示着摆脱二向化的逃逸速度
  • 57、In this strange city, I learned to separate.
  • 58、有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。