Dram,as if you never wake up。

  • 1、Deep breaths
  • 2、Time is not to let people forget the pain, but people get used to the pain.
  • 3、Provence°巴黎左岸 Provence°东京蓝调
  • 4、There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime。
  • 5、为什么当看到他的时候心还是会难过,明明已经不爱了。
  • Empty heart
  • 6、Empty heart
  • 7、一句那就这样吧,道尽了多少人的失落与绝望。
  • 8、时间在流,我们的爱在走。

  • 9、爱是单一的灵魂栖息在两个躯体里。
  • 10、Penniless
  • 11、The reason why people can, is to believe that.
  • 12、There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime。
  • 13、The original love can not disguise, the original can not pretend to be happy, the original is always the same as the moment.
  • 14、Empty heart
  • 15、Back to have in the past, returned to the original。
  • 16、有些人就是意识不到他们的语言有多么伤人。
  • 17、刺痛enough
  • 18、I love you pass though life enter life。

  • 19、我爱你透过生活进入生命。
  • 20、Devil(魔鬼)
  • 21、I have been crazy, silly, persistent, insist on, love, and finally I have a person.
  • 22、As long as you love me 。
  • 23、So your those commitments, just about。
  • 24、Man is iron, rice is a steel, one day a suffocating.
  • 25、Follow heart
  • 26、I will be the lonely feed, warm you again.
  • 27、得到了再失去,比从来就没有得到更伤人。
  • 28、当被朋友甩在一边的时候,心要多悲凉有多悲凉要多心酸有多心酸。

  • 29、That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly.
  • 30、如果语言无法表达,我愿意用生命证明。
  • 31、material gir
  • 得到了再失去,比从来就没有得到更伤人。
  • 32、得到了再失去,比从来就没有得到更伤人。
  • 33、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes。
  • 34、忍不了痛苦,就见不到幸福。
  • 35、If the previous love is not in love, then I do not know what it is.
  • 36、后来,我也不知道我是在找对象,还是在找你的影子。
  • 37、Affection is not the determination of two people, but the pull of entanglement.
  • 38、感情不是两个人的果断,而是众人的拉扯纠缠。

  • 39、Listen to me, you make a woman look very happy。
  • 40、You replied to all their ambiguous messages, but my good night was left out in the cold.
  • 41、I love the people I love。
  • 42、錯誤的時間,錯誤的人,可悲的錯誤,我們卻一犯再犯。
  • 43、我总是把你们的认真当成一种玩笑。因为我害怕失去罢了。
  • 44、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq。
  • Why leave painful memories, you have said to me, will be happy to me.
  • 45、Why leave painful memories, you have said to me, will be happy to me.
  • 46、有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强。
  • 47、Walking alone on the road, only the wind to accompany me.
  • 48、别说我变了,我没理由为你保留最初的自己。

  • 49、I on-line and then you on the line, and then you stealth and then I stealth, and then you on the line, I understand.
  • 50、害怕寂寞,哪怕周围再多人,感觉还是我一个人。
  • 51、Kanagawa