
  • 1、女人的外表美很重要,但更重要的是心灵美。
  • 2、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
  • 3、Sweat poured out successful flowers, fighting to win victory.
  • 4、Day after day, is not afraid of thousand miles; Often do, is not afraid of everything.

  • 5、Don't have no matter to anticipate, filled with the old saying, incisive philosophy.
  • Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.
  • 6、Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.
  • 7、Suffering is the teacher of life.
  • 8、要成功不需要什么特别的才能,只要把你能做的小事做得好就行了。维龙
  • 9、没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
  • 10、不要总是去评价别人,在你不了解别人的情况下。
  • 11、如果迩偶尔的抬头,会看见一扇温暖的窗。
  • 12、用爱心来做事,用感恩的心做人。
  • 13、为了生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧。
  • 14、笑靥如花,是人格的瑰丽,是心灵的粲然。

  • 15、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。
  • 16、有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。萧伯纳
  • 17、In order to efforts to play their part in life, love life.
  • 18、Energy-saving, white square regret later reading.
  • 19、Day after day, is not afraid of thousand miles; Often do, is not afraid of everything.
  • Have no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who.
  • 20、Have no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who.
  • 21、怕吃苦的人苦一辈子,不怕吃苦的人苦一阵子。
  • 22、从工作里爱了,就是通彻了最深的秘密。纪伯伦
  • 23、知识是引导人生到光明与真实境界的灯烛。
  • 24、人一看重机会,就难免被机会支配。周国平

  • 25、爱情是以微笑开始,以吻生长,以泪结束。
  • 26、我不知道什么叫年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。
  • 27、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。
  • 28、Confidence is the first step to success, lack of confidence is the main reason for failure.
  • 29、How many people want to reverse time, just time don't want to.
  • 30、有许多人是用青春的幸福作为成功的代价的。
  • 31、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
  • 32、The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.
  • 33、机会像一朵白云,悄悄地来悄悄地走。
  • Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.

    34、Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple.

  • 35、生命在闪光中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。
  • 36、机遇不来时,赶快装扇门。米尔顿·伯利
  • 37、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
  • 38、女人的外表美很重要,但更重要的是心灵美。
  • 39、人世间的任何境遇都有其优点和乐趣,只要我们愿意接受现实。华盛顿·欧文
  • 40、Don't judge others, in case you don't understand others.
  • 41、Attitude determines altitude dominate life habits.
  • 42、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。王勃
  • 43、People value the opportunity, it is inevitable that the opportunity to dominate.
  • 44、能用钱解决的问题都不是问题,可问题是我没钱。

  • 45、勤能补拙是良训,一分耕耘一分才。华罗庚
  • 46、Most people will not use the time, most will complain about the time is not enough.
  • 47、Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to smooth the mountain.
  • Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
  • 48、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.
  • 49、The weak tears, strong due to tear up.
  • 50、If will give, no matter how much it has helped the violence.
  • 51、Always remember that success is more than anything.
  • 52、Smile for too long, a cry of contact will also allow yourself to collapse.
  • 53、如果迩偶尔的抬头,会看见一扇温暖的窗。
  • 54、If will give, no matter how much it has helped the violence.

  • 55、如果你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。
  • 56、不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
  • 57、停止拜访就是停止呼吸,停止增员就是消灭生机。