To love or to be loved is better than to fall in love

  • 1、我的爱是你沉重行李,绊住你追新梦的决心。
  • 2、I love the people are regardless of personal danger, finally become someone else's lover.
  • 3、有些人想见,坐飞机就行了。而有些人想见,只能坐时光机。
  • 4、这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。
  • 5、为什么人和人、不能和平相处。
  • 世界上有两个我,一个善于交往开朗大方,一个半死不活孤独异常。
  • 6、世界上有两个我,一个善于交往开朗大方,一个半死不活孤独异常。
  • 7、人生那么短,凭什么让不重要的人影响了自己重要的心情。
  • 8、爱最痛的呼喊,是不能够再重来。
  • 9、旧爱的誓言像极了一个个巴掌,每当你记起一句就挨一个耳光。

  • 10、The smile that belongs to me, where I am looking for?
  • 11、I hear the voices of flowers, but also to see the end of the flower.
  • 12、你爱我我爱你,后来你不爱了,而我却碍你。
  • 13、世界上有两个我,一个善于交往开朗大方,一个半死不活孤独异常。
  • 14、Laugh, he still wait, wait for an impossible dream.
  • 15、再花心,内心深处也有一个自己真正深爱的人。
  • 16、I hear the voices of flowers, but also to see the end of the flower.
  • 17、Love is the most painful cry, is not able to re.
  • 18、睫毛下的伤城,途经了谁的风光谁的心。
  • 19、当我最想说什么的时候,往往也是我最沉默的时候。

  • 20、Can not forget, is the most do not want to forget.
  • Never say, is now being pulled only thin words.
  • 21、Never say, is now being pulled only thin words.
  • 22、When I most want to say what, is often the time when I most silence.
  • 23、你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。
  • 24、Brave left, just like a kite, fly to the blue so hot days.
  • 25、Love is the most painful cry, is not able to re.
  • 26、People are always self contradictory, eager to understand at the same time, but also afraid of being seen through.
  • 27、有些人是可以被时间轻易抹去的。犹如尘土。
  • 28、我听到了花开的声音,也看到了花落的结局。
  • 29、Time will slowly precipitation, some people will be in your heart slowly fuzzy.

  • 30、A person is not alone, like a talent alone.
  • 31、Life is so short, why do not important people affect their own important mood.
  • 32、当伤痛成为了一种习惯,就会奋不顾身的站起来,继续前进。
  • 33、你张得不像屎,但屎挺像你的。
  • 34、夜幕之中,互相折磨的两个人,灵魂永远得不到救赎。
  • 35、全世界只有这么一个你叫我怎么能不珍惜。
  • 我一直都想相信他,但他却一次又一次的让我失望。
  • 36、我一直都想相信他,但他却一次又一次的让我失望。
  • 37、花会一年一度的开,可人会不会一年一年的都在。
  • 38、只怪我们太年轻,想要爱却给不了彼此想要的未来。
  • 39、Last night the enchanting faded makeup, leaving only the only pale and haggard.

  • 40、Life is like a news broadcast, not for Taiwan to escape.
  • 41、如果你不知道自己想要的是什么,那么当你拥有了也会茫然不知。
  • 42、我要给你一个拥抱,给你一双温热手掌。
  • 43、只怪我们太年轻,想要爱却给不了彼此想要的未来。
  • 44、陪伴是一种太过奢求的存在,谁都可以离开,不说一句告别。
  • 45、Every time I think about you, I look up at the sky at 45 degrees, so I don't have tears in my eyes.
  • 46、If you don't go for a walk, you will think this is the world.
  • 47、不是因为你,我也不会变成这样一个患得患失的神经病。
  • 48、Growth is a juvenile heart pain, reckless period called youth.
  • 49、I can think of the most romantic thing. Is to slowly grow old together with you.

  • 50、爱最痛的呼喊,是不能够再重来。
  • 若爱只是擦肩而过,何苦爱得如此深刻。
  • 51、若爱只是擦肩而过,何苦爱得如此深刻。
  • 52、勇敢的离开,就像风筝那样,飞向,蓝得那么灼热的天。
  • 53、世上最残忍的事是你明明知道我喜欢你,却当作不知道。
  • 54、True, but more money, but the feelings of loneliness.
  • 55、The world is only so one you call me how can I do not cherish.
  • 56、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找?
  • 57、Flowers are not belong to the flowers people, it belongs to the brave people!
  • 58、我和你注定是两条平行线,永远不会有交点。
  • 59、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。

  • 60、笑了,自己还痴痴傻傻,等待一个不可能的梦。