

  • 2、你是世界上最幸福的女人,有一个爱你的老公守着对你一生一世的承诺和每一年的今天陪你一起走过,永远爱你,老婆,生日快乐!
  • 3、月儿圆,花儿香,保重身体要健康;鱼儿游,鸟儿叫,愿你天天哈哈笑;手中书,杯中酒,祝你好运天天有!欢乐多,忧愁少,祝元宵快乐,烦恼跑掉!
  • 4、正月十五月初圆,神州大地人人欢。鞭炮声声在耳畔,家人团聚品汤圆。珠圆玉润汤圆美,颗颗汤圆味道鲜。汤圆代表我心愿,全家幸福又平安。祝元宵节快乐无限!
  • 5、快乐,年年在倍增,请尽情享受;如意,月月找上门,请不用着急;祝福,天天不重样,今天最是特别:祝你生日快乐,幸福陪伴!
  • 中秋之夜一起注视遥远的明月,月亮把我们的目光和思念传递给对方,一如她反射阳光!
  • 6、中秋之夜一起注视遥远的明月,月亮把我们的目光和思念传递给对方,一如她反射阳光!
  • 7、The Mid-Autumn festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you do not separation! Wish you a happy day。
  • 8、与你相识是一种缘,与你相恋是一种美,与你相伴是一种福,我愿和你相伴到永远。
  • 9、灯耀人面夜如昼,烟花爆竹绽清流,龙腾狮舞闹上元,锣鼓喧天响宇宙,呼朋唤友结伴行,人潮涌动挤街头,彩灯谜语欢歌骤,春风邀君元宵游。元宵节快乐!
  • 10、元宵节将至,送你几盏名贵的灯笼:橘灯、绢灯、五彩羊皮灯、无骨麦秸灯、走马灯、孔明灯,灯灯照亮你的前程,祝你身体健康,事事顺风!
  • 11、赶走心中的忧伤,把甜蜜来拥抱;驱逐工作的疲惫,让悠闲来替代;忘掉生活的烦恼,把好运来铺满。元宵佳节送上我的祝愿:愿你快乐不断,好梦连连!

  • 12、爱你一百年,我是专一的人。爱你一千年,我是很专一的人。爱你一万年,我是古董人。
  • 13、有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你中秋节快乐!
  • 14、In the soft moonlight night, I miss you so much, my dear did you hear my heart beating?
  • 15、让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福。祝你中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满!
  • 16、Look at the round moon in the sky, think you are beautiful from a distance, even though I miss you, but I'm not lonely, because I share it with you in the same round of the moon。
  • 17、中秋,思念的时节,我将真诚与祝福浓缩至短信,带着关怀与思昐,随电波飞向你。
  • 18、亲爱的老婆大人,在你生日的这一天我怎么会忘记呢,我的心底有无数的话想对你说,但都不及我想要陪你一起走到永远的那颗心。生日快乐!
  • 亲爱的老婆大人,在你生日的这一天我怎么会忘记呢,我的心底有无数的话想对你说,但都不及我想要陪你一起走到永远的那颗心。生日快乐!
  • 19、亲爱的老婆大人,在你生日的这一天我怎么会忘记呢,我的心底有无数的话想对你说,但都不及我想要陪你一起走到永远的那颗心。生日快乐!
  • 20、特别的爱,给特别的你,愿我的祝福像阳光那样缠绕着你,真诚地祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,生日快乐!
  • 21、今天是你的生日,为了表示祝贺,所有女厕和女浴室均免费向您开放,欢迎光临!

  • 22、赶走心中的忧伤,把甜蜜来拥抱;驱逐工作的疲惫,让悠闲来替代;忘掉生活的烦恼,把好运来铺满。元宵佳节送上我的祝愿:愿你快乐不断,好梦连连!
  • 23、好多年了,每一个生日我们都没忘记给对方祝福,希望这一生都拥有这友情,真心祝你生日快乐!
  • 24、元宵节到了,送您一碗汤圆,将圆起一场事业的美梦,圆出温暖如春的爱情,圆得家人幸福的团聚,圆来新一年精彩的运程!元宵快乐!
  • 25、After the Lantern Festival, the friend go to school, especially on the arrival of the Lantern Festival write laugh in your face, put the blessing into your bag, happiness, coagulation in your eye, bring good luck in your side, from the Lantern Festival to
  • 26、The ministry of health issued a circular, all at home there will be turned over to the state Treasury of the cakes, turned over to the state Treasury pay my house also, the future not be allowed to breach drying moon!
  • 27、明月本无价,高山皆有情。路遥千里,难断相思。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!
  • 28、明月本无价,高山皆有情。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!
  • 29、Let the round moon accompany you and I, let the moon convey my wishes and blessings。 I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival, the month circle person circle everything is satisfactory!
  • 30、亲爱的:在这特别的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你、爱你。只想告诉你:永远深爱着你,你的一切都在牵动着我!
  • 31、什么也不要说,一切的注释都是多余,包括饮泣彼此道一声郑重,然后走向各自的明天,最后留下这张卡片:生日快乐!

  • 32、祈愿您心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐!
  • 33、快乐,年年在倍增,请尽情享受;如意,月月找上门,请不用着急;祝福,天天不重样,今天最是特别:祝你生日快乐,幸福陪伴!
  • 34、The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a bowl of dumplings, dream of going to round up a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, round to the New Year good fortune! Yuanxiao is happy!
  • 35、正月十五月儿圆,万家欢乐闹团圆;花灯点燃新希望,幸福汤圆把甜传;传递思念送祝福,品尝友谊心温暖。祝元宵节快乐!
  • 36、秦时明月汉时关,嗑完瓜子吃汤圆。明月花灯影相连,口齿余味都是甜。听段相声看部片,一家团圆笑不断。衣食住行都喜庆,吃喝玩乐闹元宵。元宵快乐!
  • 37、特别的爱,给特别的你,愿我的祝福像阳光那样缠绕着你,真诚地祝愿健康和快乐永远伴随你,生日快乐!
  • 38、The moon this priceless, mountains all sentient beings。 Man is not, the heart yearning。 I sincerely wish you and your family a happy happy reunion, happy life!
  • 39、灯耀人面夜如昼,烟花爆竹绽清流,龙腾狮舞闹上元,锣鼓喧天响宇宙,呼朋唤友结伴行,人潮涌动挤街头,彩灯谜语欢歌骤,春风邀君元宵游。元宵节快乐!
  • 40、Someone always care of you, there is someone thinking of you all the time。 Lantern Festival of lights, is the eye of an your smiling love。 It compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart。
  • 41、过了元宵节,朋友去上学,特在元宵节到来之际,把欢笑写在你的脸上,把祝福装进你的书包,把快乐凝在你的笔端,把幸运带在你的身边,从元宵节走向美好明天!

  • 42、我需要你,就象冬天里的棉袄;夏天里的雪糕,黑暗中的灯泡,饥饿中的面包我不能没有你!亲爱的生日快乐!
  • 43、亲爱的:在这特别的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你、爱你。只想告诉你:永远深爱着你,你的一切都在牵动着我!
  • 44、Sons of light shone night such as day, and fireworks bursts desire, longteng lion dances the has, the universe, gongs rang as I in line, crowded crowded streets, lantern riddle so sudden, spring breeze invited you yuanxiao。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 在一个人的生命历程里,17岁的花季只有一次,让我们把它书写在日记里,永远散发出记忆的芬芳。
  • 45、在一个人的生命历程里,17岁的花季只有一次,让我们把它书写在日记里,永远散发出记忆的芬芳。
  • 46、有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你中秋节快乐!
  • 47、看着天上圆圆的月亮,想着远方美丽的你,虽然我很想你,但我不会寂寞,因为我与你在分享同一轮明月。
  • 48、The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a bowl of dumplings, dream of going to round up a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, round to the New Year good fortune! Yuanxiao is happy!
  • 49、Let the round moon accompany you and I, let the moon convey my wishes and blessings。 I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival, the month circle person circle everything is satisfactory!
  • 50、Send you a love dumplings, the underlying life safe, middle endless blessing, filled with wealth geely, around the top covered with happy and happiness forever!
  • 51、我们彼此会永远记住在一起的时光,我们彼此的爱都不能够说出口,因为一份责任、一份承诺。

  • 52、The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a bowl of dumplings, dream of going to round up a career, round out the warm love, to family happy reunion, round to the New Year good fortune! Yuanxiao is happy!
  • 53、这么多年来,我一直在寻找理想的爱情,但没有一个人能像你那样在最初的时刻打动了我,而且越来越深沉的打动。亲爱的生日快乐!
  • 54、The fifteenth day of the moon is round, sincere blessing to send around; The fifteenth day of the glutinous sweet, I wish you the year of the rabbit is more rich; The fifteenth day of the show smiling face, happy long continous happiness; The fifteenth da