The way you choose to climb even if you have to go
2023-04-05 09:59:33
- 1、Don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
- 2、谁又曾知道我笑着时背后的坚强。Who ever knew the strength behind my laughter?
- 3、想做你,枕边书,怀中猫,意中人。Want to be you, pillow book, cat in your arms, lover in your heart.
- 4、You have a smile that lights up the whole city.
- 5、Pale words who can see this person's bitter。
- 7、生命犹如一片绿叶,随着时间的流逝,慢慢变的枯黄,但他的叶脉还是那么清晰可见。
- 8、信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。
- 9、你拥有照亮整个城市的笑容。
- 10、Stone tells us: those who really love finally are scattered, always mix finally reunited.
- 11、If friendship than love is The imprint is engraved on my heart. seriously.
- 12、I like you, this is the fact that will never change.
- 13、You will shed tears, does not mean you mercy; I will smile, does not mean that I am all good.
- 14、张张给了慌慌一场美好的初恋,一场童话般的婚礼。Zhang Zhang gave panic a beautiful first love, a fairy-tale wedding.
- 15、爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。
- 17、A long time with your friends, more than thousands of dog friends.
- 18、心里的话,说出来可能是诗,可能是史,也可能是誓,但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。
- 19、The passage of time, can make people forget a lot of things of the past, but the love between each other, will never die.
- 20、每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。
- 21、悲伤逆流成河,我为谁而不顾一切。
- 22、对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。
- 23、自从用了黑人牙膏,牙齿白了,人黑了。
- 24、八月十五送鸡子儿没这一理;没这一礼
- 25、爱不爱我够不够深。
- 27、细草微风岸,今年送礼多。何物能摆阔?月饼最出色!
- 28、Hate, can provoke a dispute, love, can cover up all fault.
- 29、昨夜欢乐今日愁,孤影徘徊望江楼。何必吊死一棵树,还有希望在前头。
- 30、Don't pretend to be nice to me。 I am very silly really。
- 31、我们曾经是天上飘下来的雪花,本来互不相识,但落地之后,便结为一体,结成冰,化成水,永远也就不分开。
- 32、弟弟跟我说:姐,以后你找男朋友一定不要比我高,不然他欺负你我怕打不赢他。
- 33、真心不如红钞票,感情之为性需要!
- 34、我哭是因为你太爱我,我笑是因为你太在乎我。
- 35、俊美的侧脸,盗取了某人的心。Beautiful side face steals someone's heart.
- 37、Can you walk slowly and let me catch up with your shadow.
- 38、秋天的你轻轻飘过进占我心里,我却每天等你望你知道我是谁!
- 39、明月几时有?举饼问青天。不知天上月饼,能卖多少钱。
- 40、My world does not need too many people to understand。
- 41、一个久伴你的损友,胜过无数狗友。
- 42、I have lost too much, but in the end you have lost.
- 43、静静的守侯,默默的等待,我知道我在想你了。每次没见到你,心里常常会有一种说不出的失落和孤寂,可我依然习惯的去等你,去想你。
- 44、不要问我过得好不好,我只能说,还活着。
- 45、悲伤逆流成河,我为谁而不顾一切。
46、When you say to me, you don't know her, do you ever think about how much you know me?
- 47、Love leave scars, but also teach people to forget the pain.
- 48、心里的话,说出来可能是诗,可能是史,也可能是誓,但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。
- 49、俄扪多少次离别和回眸,却还是错过今生。
- 50、Words can not take action, action is the loudest language.