
  • 1、Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.
  • 2、世界有爱才会温暖,世界有爱才会有依靠,世界有你才会温馨,愿你能和我一路同行,做一对幸福的路人。
  • 3、有人疼才显得多么出众。
  • 4、Tender violin Yusi fingertip wound warm.
  • 5、A joy makes you happy every day; a greeting makes you not worry; a sincere don't return; a true love makes you all good; a love, as long as you are happy!
  • 能遇到你是我人生最大的幸福,你对我一点一滴的关心体贴,都融化在我的血液里,总是在我烦恼苦闷时变成快乐的细胞,爱你!
  • 6、能遇到你是我人生最大的幸福,你对我一点一滴的关心体贴,都融化在我的血液里,总是在我烦恼苦闷时变成快乐的细胞,爱你!
  • 7、Tender violin Yusi fingertip wound warm.
  • 8、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
  • 9、你瘦的时候住进我心里,后来胖了,便卡在里面出不来了。
  • 10、Now, you've given me the chance. I really want to say, you, beloved, not too close to me, don't let me in your arms too long, don't.

  • 11、Accompany you to where you want to go, and go through the rest of our life carefully.
  • 12、我望着圆月,像在凝视着你:亲爱的,就在那明亮的月镜中,我看到了一个同样凝神我的你。
  • 13、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。
  • 14、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你!
  • 15、Forever in less than a meal point, said: I am hungry!
  • 16、My life, happiness in every smile.
  • 17、I said I love you, but I did not say that I love you.
  • 18、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。
  • 19、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。
  • Once together moments, if the past fleeting years.

    20、Once together moments, if the past fleeting years.

  • 21、已驾七香车,心心待晓霞。(李商隐《壬申七夕》)
  • 22、不管生活是否安定,我都会把你放在心上,让深情天天冲击着我的心脏,让脉搏带动着所有的怀想,让信息传送着和你相伴的愿望!
  • 23、Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe.
  • 24、七夕年年信不违,银河清浅白云微,蟾光鹊影伯劳飞。(毛文锡《浣溪沙·七夕年年信不违》)
  • 25、柔情是提琴的语丝缠绕指尖的温暖。
  • 26、不许骗我,如果你骗我我会很伤心的。
  • 27、You give the care, is the reason for my happy.
  • 28、Now, you've given me the chance. I really want to say, you, beloved, not too close to me, don't let me in your arms too long, don't.
  • 29、冰雪冷却不了我对你的热爱,台风吹散不走我对你的思念,喧哗淹没不了我的对你的心声,黑暗掩盖不了我对你的深情。
  • 30、永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!

  • 31、Maybe you have forgotten us you may have a solemn pledge of love; we forget the past; perhaps I may allow thousands, but does not allow you to completely forget me.
  • 32、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 33、My greatest happiness is that I have met someone I love.
  • 世界有爱才会温暖,世界有爱才会有依靠,世界有你才会温馨,愿你能和我一路同行,做一对幸福的路人。
  • 34、世界有爱才会温暖,世界有爱才会有依靠,世界有你才会温馨,愿你能和我一路同行,做一对幸福的路人。
  • 35、I look at the full moon as if I'm staring at you: dear, in the bright moon mirror, I see you who have the same attention to me.
  • 36、Gently, don't startle your dreams; only wish you had me in your dreams.
  • 37、Our love, hope there is no period.
  • 38、My life, happiness in every smile.
  • 39、爱是一种病,我感染了。你是我的药,我上瘾了。
  • 40、对于爱情你是不敢还是不能。

  • 41、Everyone who says he doesn't want to fall in love has an impossible person in his mind.
  • 42、親愛的,寶貝詠遠愛妳。
  • 43、你在我眼中是一滴泪。我从来不哭,因为我怕丢了你。
  • 44、搬来爱情,砸在脚上,连痛也是种幸福;搬来爱情,放在椅上,静下心来慢慢欣赏;搬来爱情,放在心里,直到变老,你的位置仍在那里。
  • 45、The world has love will be warm, the world has love will have to rely on, the world will you will be warm, wish you can walk with me, do a pair of happy passers-by.
  • 46、你瘦的时候住进我心里,后来胖了,便卡在里面出不来了。
  • 47、想你的心情实在没办法用一句话代替。
  • 我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 48、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。
  • 49、如果爱上你是一种错的话,我宁愿永远的错下去。曾经笑过,为你给你的点点欢乐;曾经哭过,为你不经意间的冷落。
  • 50、Baby, baby, I love you.

  • 51、我爱你的心是直到世界末日也不变。
  • 52、不许骗我,如果你骗我我会很伤心的。
  • 53、When I think of you; I want to hug you when I shed my tears; I want to pounce on you when I am happy; I want to kiss you when I am excited. It's all about these four words: I need you!
  • 54、看你的时候,有些开心。想你的时候,有些幸福。给你发信息的时候,有些甜蜜。我想我们要一直开心,幸福,甜蜜下去,一直。
  • 55、又说今夕天津,西畔重欢遇。(吴文英《荔枝香近·七夕》)
  • 56、遇到你,是我这辈子的幸福。