
  • 1、Sometimes a smile can be fixed for a lifetime.
  • 2、The past is a beautiful memory, but also can not forget the pain.
  • 3、Want to say love you, but find you are deaf, I am dumb.
  • 4、不管最后结果如何,都依然坚持说我曾经爱过。
  • 5、要为别人着想,但也要为自己而活。
  • 很多时候,不是女人太贪心,而是男人给不起女人想要的。
  • 6、很多时候,不是女人太贪心,而是男人给不起女人想要的。
  • 7、When I was holding me, I found that I was the only one.

  • 8、Love one person all my life, you will always be my favorite.
  • 9、一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。
  • 10、Sometimes a smile can be fixed for a lifetime.
  • 11、I like you for so long and almost thought you were me.
  • 12、A person can recite many things, really is not light.
  • 13、你知不知道你的情绪已经可以影响我的情绪,所以我不允许你不幸福。
  • 14、时间会让我放弃曾经,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。
  • 15、因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为什么。
  • 16、I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry.
  • 17、我心都放你那里了,你还在乎我这个人干什么。

  • 18、Empty eyes, can not recall memory.
  • 19、空洞的双眼,回忆不起记忆的旁白。
  • In the most pure and beautiful years, you only leave my memory injury.
  • 20、In the most pure and beautiful years, you only leave my memory injury.
  • 21、You are good, you can conquer me every time.
  • 22、Not dare to look at you, afraid of each eye is.
  • 23、夜晚总是太寂寞,没有一个人会去安慰一个爱哭的女孩。
  • 24、不管最后结果如何,都依然坚持说我曾经爱过。
  • 25、You don't have to ask some things, some people don't have to wait for you.
  • 26、The youth is a drama repeated, we always hurt.
  • 27、想一个人多美好,就算只剩记忆可参考。

  • 28、无论你肯或不肯。我都选择等。
  • 29、Maybe you are not the best, but what I want most.
  • 30、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你。
  • 31、喜欢某人,并不一定要成为恋人,有时候,能做朋友就已足够。
  • 32、Distance is not a problem as long as there is no time difference between the two people.
  • 33、Maybe you are not the best, but what I want most.
  • 要为别人着想,但也要为自己而活。
  • 34、要为别人着想,但也要为自己而活。
  • 35、时间会让我放弃曾经,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。
  • 36、请珍惜来之不易的爱,不要等到失去了才后悔。
  • 37、不敢正眼看你,怕每一眼都是表白。

  • 38、我心都放你那里了,你还在乎我这个人干什么。
  • 39、我说亲爱的姑娘,人做事儿天在看,你耍阴你装逼你装嫩你装纯宝贝儿你会早死的。
  • 40、一辈子恋一人,你永远都是我的最爱。
  • 41、I want you to be well, even if you have nothing to do with me later.
  • 42、Want to say love you, but find you are deaf, I am dumb.
  • 43、You are good, you can conquer me every time.
  • 44、Regardless of the outcome, they still insisted that I loved.
  • 45、Left eye jump test. Mobile phone lost, people are stupid.
  • 46、空洞的双眼,回忆不起记忆的旁白。
  • 47、In the most pure and beautiful years, you only leave my memory injury.

    Most of the time, not a woman too greedy, but man can not afford to give women want.
  • 48、Most of the time, not a woman too greedy, but man can not afford to give women want.
  • 49、I wish I'm still a kid, no broken heart, no painful tears.
  • 50、I want you to be well, even if you have nothing to do with me later.
  • 51、在最纯净美好的岁月,你却只留给我回忆的伤。
  • 52、When I think of you, I must find you.
  • 53、忆起某些曲子,却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。
  • 54、你的好,每一次都能够把我征服。
  • 55、I always hold back to tears and tell me that I'm good and must be good.
  • 56、要为别人着想,但也要为自己而活。