
  • 1、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。
  • 2、人生就像打电话,不是你先挂就是我先好挂。

  • 3、人可以控制行为,却不能约束感情,因为感情是变化无常的。
  • 4、Tufuke city wall, Jide for thick land.
  • 5、人生是否有价值,关键要看活着人还是自己。
  • Your world, I can't get into. My future, you don't have to be involved.
  • 6、Your world, I can't get into. My future, you don't have to be involved.
  • 7、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。
  • 8、Fantasy mind only a castle in the air, the doer in skyscrapers.
  • 9、Man can't live like a beast. He should pursue knowledge and virtue.
  • 10、Without a solid foundation of integrity, the legal system is like a high-rise building built on sand.
  • 11、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。
  • 12、According to moral act, should be fervently dedicated to don't talk morals.

  • 13、According to moral act, should be fervently dedicated to don't talk morals.
  • 14、人生的成功,不在聪明和机会,乃在专心和有恒。
  • 15、Fantasy mind only a castle in the air, the doer in skyscrapers.
  • 16、Your world, I can't get into. My future, you don't have to be involved.
  • 17、If we follow the path of honest and honest life, we will surely have a well-deserved end-result.
  • 18、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。
  • Light has knowledge is not enough, should also be applied; Light is not enough to have the desire, should also be action.
  • 19、Light has knowledge is not enough, should also be applied; Light is not enough to have the desire, should also be action.
  • 20、Don't climb the mountain, see the ground; Without exercise, not strong.
  • 21、诚实是艺术的最大要素。只要我们总对自己诚实,艺术总在那里,它决不会让我们失望的。
  • 22、光有知识是不够的,还应当应用;光有愿望是不够的,还应当行动。

  • 23、眼泪是女人的最原始的武器,也是男人惟一无法抵抗的最厉害的武器。
  • 24、光有知识是不够的,还应当应用;光有愿望是不够的,还应当行动。
  • 25、平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。
  • 26、If you are used to empty talk, the most respectable person will lose his dignity.
  • 27、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。
  • 28、The value of a life, the key still depends on living people.
  • 29、Honesty is gold, honesty is treasure, honesty is an intangible wealth, let's be a honest person!
  • 30、Man can't live like a beast. He should pursue knowledge and virtue.
  • 31、Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of wisdom.
  • 幻想者头脑里只有空中楼阁,实干家胸中才有摩天大厦。


  • 33、I love you, no lie, no exaggeration, not a false, with no lies.
  • 34、Don't say, you regret determine what, took a person let go of his hand, that is about to use each other tolerant to bear!
  • 35、Do not to come out of things don't say, say not to come out of things don't do it.
  • 36、I love you, no lie, no exaggeration, not a false, with no lies.
  • 37、Do not to come out of things don't say, say not to come out of things don't do it.
  • 38、Success in life, not in wisdom and opportunity, is to and persistence.
  • 39、Horses first tame and then seek good, people first believe and then seek ability.
  • 40、A trickle once to stop the noise, on the sea has stopped breathing.
  • 41、Take my hand, eyes closed go you won't get lost.
  • 42、你的世界,我进不去。我的未来,你也不必参与。

  • 43、诚信是金,诚信是宝,诚信是一笔无形的财富,让我们一去做个诚信的人吧!
  • 44、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。
  • The value of a life, the key still depends on living people.
  • 45、The value of a life, the key still depends on living people.
  • 46、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。
  • 47、Horses first tame and then seek good, people first believe and then seek ability.
  • 48、人在面临幸福时会突然变得胆怯,抓住幸福其实比忍受痛苦更需要勇气。
  • 49、一切的美德都包含在自我信赖里。
  • 50、All virtues are contained in self-trust.
  • 51、诚信是道德的底线,守法的基础,社交的规则,和谐的前提。
  • 52、一切的美德都包含在自我信赖里。
