It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure。
2023-04-02 23:58:43
- 1、Since know, why so sensational。
- 2、If only the first life, when the road is only the ordinary.
3、I will always be, even if love pale。
- 4、Distant love, even a hug is wishful thinking.
- 5、Only to find tears can flow so much.
- 6、Tell me the end, how long I wait.
- 7、不是每个人都会要你那么欺负,还不是因为爱你。
- 8、Put you in the bottom of my heart, bury you with memories.
- 9、Our hand tight enough, suddenly let go, and go your own way.
- 10、我爱你,在你眼里却成了我碍你。
- 11、生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一天。
- 12、名花倾国两相欢,长得君王带笑看。李白《清平调其三》
- 14、我爱你,在你眼里却成了我碍你。
- 15、If your heart is not empty, then don't go to love, that failed to live up to his, and hurt others.
- 16、从那以后,我对感情再没认真过。
- 17、我永远不会回来。
- 18、你是我永远触及不到的风景,在一起,成为这辈子最艰难的三个字。
- 19、愿为西南风,长逝入君怀。曹植《明月上高楼》
- 20、I'm fine, thanks for not asking。
- 21、把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。
- 22、我不是人民币,不是让你拿来换的。
23、I will always be, even if love pale。
- 24、相逢一醉是前缘,风雨散、飘然何处。苏轼《鹊桥仙七夕送陈令举》
- 25、I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for you.
- 26、Young and not childish, firm and not stubborn, sharp and not sensitive, tolerant and not indulgence.
- 27、Too much investment, tears are the only harvest.
- 28、我会一直在,纵使爱变苍白。
- 29、Broken heart is unable to recover, never left a spot in the heart.
- 30、I love you, in your eyes, but I became you.
- 31、人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常。
- 32、我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。
- 34、时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。
- 35、Now you're in which embrace, my shoulder and your temperature.
- 36、你用心,他无心,爱着不爱自己的人,本身就是没有回报的。
- 37、Love always has no perfect ending.
- 38、Love always has no perfect ending.
- 39、Originally, I was just a place you stray.
- 40、If you have been know you belong to me, that should have much good.
- 41、The best feeling between two people is, the surface abandon each other, in the heart.
- 42、The best feeling between two people is, the surface abandon each other, in the heart.
- 44、I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for you.
- 45、Jellyfish will turn into water, after the death of a trace, like never appear.
- 46、If someone asks about that,I'll just say"I forget"。No explanation,no pain。
- 47、与其说我变了,不如直接说你厌了。
- 48、异地恋,连一个拥抱都是奢望。
- 49、You remember, no russian.
- 50、Not everyone will want you to bully, not just because of love you.
- 51、Young and not childish, firm and not stubborn, sharp and not sensitive, tolerant and not indulgence.
- 52、Distant love, even a hug is wishful thinking.
- 54、你对我好,我自然也会对你好。就是这么简单。
- 55、送你一只海鸥,从明天起自由。
- 56、寒风啸,滴水冰,夜静风停探孤影。
- 57、Happy little evaporate, leaving sad at some point into a river upstream.
- 58、You can fake a smile, but you can't fake your feelings。
- 59、Love is beautiful, but also very harsh.
- 60、你可以强颜欢笑,但你无法欺骗自己。