You make my heart smile。

  • 1、To be silent is to be weak, it is my wisdom.
  • 2、每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。
  • 3、When I get to the extreme of lovelorn, I will really use retreat to protect myself.
  • 4、I didn't have any choice but to wait for you。
  • 5、Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt myself.
  • Time profound rather than shallow, please don't used to mourn rather than miss。
  • 6、Time profound rather than shallow, please don't used to mourn rather than miss。
  • 7、时光深刻而非浅薄,请别用来。
  • 8、Life is a magnificent memory.

  • 9、You are my persistent reason and my crazy excuse.
  • 10、曾经有多热烈,也就有多寂寞。
  • 11、所有的姗姗来迟,只为等一个深情款款的你。
  • 12、Life is a magnificent memory.
  • 13、任何事情,总有答案。与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。
  • 14、Feeble story, just making excuses。
  • 15、How do you know love when the wind is clear?
  • 16、Time profound rather than shallow, please don't used to mourn rather than miss。
  • 17、Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt myself.
  • 18、Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waited for.

  • 19、There is a miss, called avoidance.
  • I'm not waiting for you to love me, but I'm waiting for the day when I'm not in love with you.
  • 20、I'm not waiting for you to love me, but I'm waiting for the day when I'm not in love with you.
  • 21、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!
  • 22、Don't cry doesn't mean I'm happy, don't say don't care.
  • 23、你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。
  • 24、灵魂深处的美丽和寂寞,总是需要一个人来读懂。
  • 25、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。
  • 26、I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts me.
  • 27、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人。
  • 28、我经常梦见你,也经常梦见我自己,但很少梦见我们在一起。

  • 29、请不要再出现在我梦中,我已负担不起醒来的落空。
  • 30、最想的人是你,最不敢打扰的人也是你。
  • 31、最想的人是你,最不敢打扰的人也是你。
  • 32、Those who want to leave never lack excuses, and those who are willing to stay do not need to stay.
  • 33、Some things disappear in also can not find, but it turned into a needle, tie in the heart, want to let you pain you will have pain.
  • 失恋到极致的时候,我真的会用后退来保护自己。
  • 34、失恋到极致的时候,我真的会用后退来保护自己。
  • 35、Why do we always know at the last moment that our love is long gone?
  • 36、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。
  • 37、I just want to cherish now。
  • 38、When I get to the extreme of lovelorn, I will really use retreat to protect myself.

  • 39、Even if you still think about each other, you are not qualified to disturb.
  • 40、I wanna be with you。
  • 41、I am your traveler, you are my heart。
  • 42、我想发匿名消息给你,可是QQ里面没有你。
  • 43、Each step, could not follow you, see the farther the distance more walk but。
  • 44、If you do not love me, hurt me not to be too light, to be ruthless, to the great, I am afraid to forget you, more afraid of their own death!
  • 45、How warm once was, how lonely it was.
  • 46、You’re my Achilles heel。
  • 47、不要指望别人,有时候还是靠自己。
  • At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.

    48、At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.

  • 49、那些所有你以为过不去的过去,都会过去。
  • 50、Every boring hour in life is unique。
  • 51、想离开的人从不缺借口,愿意留下的人也不需挽留。
  • 52、陈奕迅只教给我十年怎么唱,却没教给我十年怎么走。
  • 53、后来我终于明白了办不到的承诺就成了枷锁。
  • 54、我给你,最后旳疼爱是手放开。
  • 55、Don't expect others, sometimes by yourself.
  • 56、There is a deep picture on the wide seaside.
  • 57、To be silent is to be weak, it is my wisdom.
  • 58、失恋到极致的时候,我真的会用后退来保护自己。
