Happiness by adding those sad there the elements。

  • 1、You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
  • 2、Our love, I know has come to an end, but I still do not want to, do not give up.
  • 3、Happy little evaporate, leaving sad at some point into a river upstream.
  • 4、等我不再黏着你不再烦你不再找你的时候,那么恭喜你,彻底失去我了。
  • 5、没事别来找我,有事更别来找我。
  • You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
  • 6、You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
  • 7、我也想知道我想怎样。
  • 8、You are the one who thinks most, and you are the one who dare not disturb.
  • 9、Not everyone will want you to bully, not just because of love you.
  • 10、づHeavensong

  • 11、Did you ever deliberately pique off mobile phone, could not help but open, what is not found.
  • 12、-离沐倾城winnie°
  • 13、年轻而不幼稚,坚定而不固执,敏锐而不敏感,宽容而不放纵。
  • 14、BabyGirl
  • 15、下辈子如果有可能,我一定会紧紧抓住你的走不放开。
  • 16、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。
  • 17、时间是最好的良药,希望在很久很久以后,那颗心想你的时候再也不会疼。
  • 18、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。
  • 19、I and your love, like pure water, hidden invisible impurities.
  • 20、Want to pick pure heart, still believe and you hear my anniversary of faith。

  • 21、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛我自己。
  • 22、-离沐倾城winnie°
  • 23、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
  • 24、Proudqueen骄傲女王
  • 25、时间是最好的良药,希望在很久很久以后,那颗心想你的时候再也不会疼。
  • 26、过去是一杯酒,让我们在沉醉后哭泣。
  • 27、等我不再黏着你不再烦你不再找你的时候,那么恭喜你,彻底失去我了。
  • 28、你是我永远触及不到的风景,在一起,成为这辈子最艰难的三个字。
  • 29、Love is, let people think, and then use a lifetime to forget.
  • 30、Next life if possible, I will hold you tight don't let go.

  • 31、You know why there is no ghost in the world, you know that he won't come back, why do you want to wait.
  • 32、爱情是,让人想着,然后用一辈子去忘记。
  • 33、If you have been know you belong to me, that should have much good.
  • 34、水母死后會變成水,不留痕跡就像從沒有出現過一樣。
  • 35、如果不爱我,伤我的时候别太轻、要狠、要绝。我怕忘不了你,更怕自己死不了心!
  • 等我不再黏着你不再烦你不再找你的时候,那么恭喜你,彻底失去我了。
  • 36、等我不再黏着你不再烦你不再找你的时候,那么恭喜你,彻底失去我了。
  • 37、Young and not childish, firm and not stubborn, sharp and not sensitive, tolerant and not indulgence.
  • 38、Story eventually, i can only one man looked at the memory of the nicety lost。
  • 39、The quieter the tree is and the more the wind is, the more I love him and he is not there.
  • 40、BabyGirl

  • 41、Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person's that moment start.
  • 42、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。
  • 43、If you want to cry I will find a place, you don't have to worry about me will wet your shoulders.
  • 44、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。
  • 45、生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一天。
  • 46、Happy little evaporate, leaving sad at some point into a river upstream.
  • 47、我是你的过客,你却是我的心。
  • 48、两个人之间最好的感觉就是,表面相互嫌弃,心中不离不弃。
  • 49、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。
  • 50、两个人之间最好的感觉就是,表面相互嫌弃,心中不离不弃。

    You are my persistent reason and my crazy excuse.
  • 51、You are my persistent reason and my crazy excuse.
  • 52、他也曾是我一直不愿醒的梦境。
  • 53、One inch inch that is my lonely time, quickly when you are young and frivolous.
  • 54、好怀念他的拥抱,那踏实的安全感。
  • 55、kong虚
  • 56、你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。
  • 57、If I know how to give up you, how good that.
  • 58、能瞬间影响我情绪的瞬间又平复我心情的只有你。
  • 59、I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end。