
  • 1、过去是一杯酒,让我们在沉醉后哭泣。
  • 2、素描淡写,当年你丢下我之后的故事。
  • 3、他不是梦,他是我爱了一个青春的人。
  • 4、Why do we always know at the last moment that our love is long gone?
  • 5、若相爱,请珍惜。

  • 6、相遇只是上帝作祟,相爱不过凭空想象。
  • 7、Meet only God is everything, love but imagination.
  • 8、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。
  • 9、最初相爱的我们,最终,还是错过了。
  • 10、那些所有你以为过不去的过去,都会过去。
  • 11、Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waited for.
  • 12、In your life, I just passers-by。
  • 13、即使还是想着对方,也没资格再去打扰。
  • 14、All lives end,all hearts are broken。
  • 15、不哭泣并不代表我幸福,不言语不代表不在乎。

  • 16、你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。
  • 17、转眼人间土一抔,无关风月无关情。
  • 18、回不去的记忆总是在生活中汹涌叫嚣。
  • 19、The beauty and loneliness in the soul always need to be understood by one person.
  • 20、Can't break clean, can't reconcile again as before, most torment people.
  • 有些东西消失了在也找不到了,但它却变成了一根针,扎在心头挥之不去,想让你痛你就得痛。
  • 21、有些东西消失了在也找不到了,但它却变成了一根针,扎在心头挥之不去,想让你痛你就得痛。
  • 22、You are my persistent reason and my crazy excuse.
  • 23、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决。
  • 24、At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.
  • 25、我把未来放在你身上你怎敢让我输。

  • 26、There is always an answer to everything. It's better to let nature take its course than worry.
  • 27、请不要再出现在我梦中,我已负担不起醒来的落空。
  • 28、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 29、Memories that never go back are always roaring in life.
  • 30、In a twinkling of an eye, the earth has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
  • 31、Can't break clean, can't reconcile again as before, most torment people.
  • 32、电话那头,又是沉默,该放手,却难割舍。
  • 33、Can't break clean, can't reconcile again as before, most torment people.
  • 34、Can't break clean, can't reconcile again as before, most torment people.
  • 35、When I'm disappointed to the extreme, I will really use retreat to protect myself.

  • 36、有些东西消失了在也找不到了,但它却变成了一根针,扎在心头挥之不去,想让你痛你就得痛。
  • 37、All the past that you think you can't go will pass.
  • 38、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!
  • 39、You are the apple of my eye。
  • 40、青丝三千,抵不过时间;倾城容颜,抵不过岁月;如花美眷,抵不过流年。
  • 41、想去找你,发现没有理由,最后连借口都拿不出手。
  • 42、Memories that never go back are always roaring in life.
  • 43、Some things disappear in also can not find, but it turned into a needle, tie in the heart, want to let you pain you will have pain.
  • 44、人生是一种承受,我们要学会支撑自己。
  • 45、Want to find you, find no reason, even excuses are not available at last.

  • 46、彼此刚刚拥有的默契,你却放手选择了抛弃。
  • 47、Every season, memories always jump.
  • 48、Three thousand hair, but arrived in time; beauty, but arrived in time; ruhuameijuan, but arrived in time.
  • 49、即使还是想着对方,也没资格再去打扰。
  • 50、All the past that you think you can't go will pass.
  • 转眼人间土一抔,无关风月无关情。
  • 51、转眼人间土一抔,无关风月无关情。
  • 52、At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.
  • 53、我不是在等待你爱我,而是等待我不在爱你的那一天。
  • 54、The beauty and loneliness in the soul always need to be understood by one person.
  • 55、你找到了你的阳光,我却仍在独自忧伤。

  • 56、There is a miss, called avoidance.
  • 57、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。
  • 58、如果不爱我,伤我的时候别太轻、要狠、要绝,我怕忘不了你,更怕自己死不了心!
  • 59、你找到了你的阳光,我却仍在独自忧伤。