Think of you every day, your company, happiness is so natural。

  • 1、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人。
  • 2、How strong I can be, I don't have a heart.

  • 3、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 4、Want to find you, find no reason, even excuses are not available at last.
  • 5、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。
  • 回不去的记忆总是在生活中汹涌叫嚣。
  • 6、回不去的记忆总是在生活中汹涌叫嚣。
  • 7、Memories that never go back are always roaring in life.
  • 8、All lives end,all hearts are broken。
  • 9、任何事情,总有答案。与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。
  • 10、就像仙人掌,明明活的很好,却没办法再接受谁的拥抱。
  • 11、宽阔的海边,有一幅深邃的画面。
  • 12、At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.

  • 13、你不会为同一个笑话笑了一遍又一遍,但你为什么能为同一个人哭了一次又一次。
  • 14、I was so angry with myself that I laughed again and again.
  • 15、The past cannot be changed。 The future is yet in your power。
  • 16、In a twinkling of an eye, the earth has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
  • 17、Young frivolous, happy time.
  • 18、Confuse*迷惑
  • I love you, looks like you not to love my same firmness。
  • 19、I love you, looks like you not to love my same firmness。
  • 20、在你生命中,我只是路人。
  • 21、When I'm disappointed to the extreme, I will really use retreat to protect myself.
  • 22、How dare you let me lose when I put the future on you?

  • 23、就像仙人掌,明明活的很好,却没办法再接受谁的拥抱。
  • 24、被在乎的人忽略,会难过。而更难过的是还要装作根本不在乎。
  • 25、清风不解语,怎知风光恋。
  • 26、也许那些错过的,是因为注定就要错过。
  • 27、没事别来找我,有事更别来找我。
  • 28、他不是梦,他是我爱了一个青春的人。
  • 29、Every season, memories always jump.
  • 30、有一种想念,叫避而不见。
  • 31、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。
  • If you don't love me, hurt me not to be too light, to be ruthless, to the great. I am afraid to forget you, more afraid of their own death!

    32、If you don't love me, hurt me not to be too light, to be ruthless, to the great. I am afraid to forget you, more afraid of their own death!

  • 33、Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way。
  • 34、The past is a glass of wine, let us cry after intoxication.
  • 35、The tears is not the color of blood, loneliness is not drunk wine.
  • 36、仰望不到幸福旳高度。
  • 37、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决。
  • 38、When you love someone you have to learn to let them go。
  • 39、Memories that never go back are always roaring in life.
  • 40、曾经爱过你,现在我走了,将来,我还会想念你。
  • 41、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人。
  • 42、年少轻狂,幸福时光。

  • 43、惟我独尊xox
  • 44、zore/.极乐
  • 不能断干净,又不能再和好如初,最折磨人。
  • 45、不能断干净,又不能再和好如初,最折磨人。
  • 46、I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love。
  • 47、转眼人间土一抔,无关风月无关情。
  • 48、Trying to be the one you love, everything is in time.
  • 49、没事别来找我,有事更别来找我。
  • 50、听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦。
  • 51、电话那头,又是沉默,该放手,却难割舍。
  • 52、There is a deep picture on the wide seaside.

  • 53、At the other end of the phone, it's silent again. It's time to let go, but it's hard to give up.
  • 54、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。