
  • 1、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。
  • 2、我经常梦见你,也经常梦见我自己,但很少梦见我们在一起。
  • 3、All just waiting for a be long in coming, affectionate and you.
  • 4、你就像烈酒,喝了醉生梦死,不喝难解忧愁。
  • 5、笑是给别人看的,泪是给自己咽的。
  • 树愈静而风不止,我愈恋而他不在。
  • 6、树愈静而风不止,我愈恋而他不在。
  • 7、过去是一杯酒,让我们在沉醉后哭泣。

  • 8、爱有时很矛盾,会在风浪之中显得摇摇欲坠,却又不甘于无味的平淡。
  • 9、There is always an answer to everything. It's better to let nature take its course than worry.
  • 10、过去是一杯酒,让我们在沉醉后哭泣。
  • 11、Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt myself.
  • 12、从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。
  • 13、Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt myself.
  • 14、There is a miss, called avoidance.
  • 15、我希望遇到一个人,长的像你,性格像你,最好是你。
  • 16、没事别来找我,有事更别来找我。
  • 17、该拿什么理由问你,曾经的天长地久只是短暂的吗?

  • 18、One's life is destined to meet two people, an amazing time, a gentle years.
  • 19、灵魂深处的美丽和寂寞,总是需要一个人来读懂。
  • 这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 20、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 21、Later, I finally understand that can not be done to the promise of a yoke.
  • 22、我没想离开你 ,那只是爱的后座力。
  • 23、陈奕迅只教给我十年怎么唱,却没教给我十年怎么走。
  • 24、I hope to meet someone who looks like you and has a character like you. It's better to be you.
  • 25、I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream。
  • 26、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock。
  • 27、I have no sense of security,because I love you too。

  • 28、How warm once was, how lonely it was.
  • 29、The quieter the tree is and the more the wind is, the more I love him and he is not there.
  • 30、No one can replace you in my heart。
  • 31、This life, wind and rain, is to meet the best of their own.
  • 32、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 33、Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer。
  • Smile like you have never been hurt。
  • 34、Smile like you have never been hurt。
  • 35、False roll for me。
  • 36、The acquired any reason to ask you, have a permanence is only a short do。
  • 37、False roll for me。

  • 38、Every time a good night, feeling each other's feelings。
  • 39、下辈子我要做你的心脏,至少我疼的时候你感觉得到。
  • 40、In a twinkling of an eye, the earth has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
  • 41、There is a deep picture on the wide seaside.
  • 42、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人。
  • 43、所有的姗姗来迟,只为等一个深情款款的你。
  • 44、不去期望,失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。
  • 45、Don't cry doesn't mean I'm happy, don't say don't care.
  • 46、If you are my friend, please do not ask. If you meet me, please do not stay. If you meet me, please do not have.
  • 47、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。

    When I get to the extreme of lovelorn, I will really use retreat to protect myself.
  • 48、When I get to the extreme of lovelorn, I will really use retreat to protect myself.
  • 49、一次次的重蹈覆辙,我被自己气到笑。
  • 50、I would like a strains have no feet of plants, in-situ waiting, and put you in my heart deeply。
  • 51、Do not belong to their own things, hold in hand, will only hurt myself.
  • 52、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock。
  • 53、Don't expect others, sometimes by yourself.
  • 54、He's not a dream. He's a young man I love.
  • 55、From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile。