
  • 1、想念一个人的寂静,那些悲伤,泛滥成海,我无处可逃。
  • 2、Look at the clouds at dawn and dusk, think of you as well as sit and think of you as well.
  • 3、世界上不能长久的东西,不仅仅是他对你的爱,还有他带给你的悲伤。
  • 4、给我一句台词,我陪你演你想要的两情喜悦。
  • 5、Friendship can be further for love, but love can not be reduced to a step back to friendship.
  • 衣不如新,人不如故。
  • 6、衣不如新,人不如故。
  • 7、如果天是灰色的,如果梦是反的,是不是你的手,还会牵着我的?
  • 8、Friends are the only, side scold you, one side for you wipe the tears of the role.
  • 9、If the sky is gray, if the dream is the opposite, is not your hand, but also lead me?
  • 10、只要你能记住我,哪怕用恨的方式也好。而当我试着恨你,却想起你的笑容。

  • 11、如果男人是一件衣服,那时就是一件烂衣服,但是我就是舍不得扔。
  • 12、十年后,希望我们还是好朋友,见面了仍然可以毫无顾忌的开玩笑。
  • 13、友谊永远是一个甜美的责任,从来不是一种机会。
  • 14、Friendship is the most invincible, love there are too many uncertainties.
  • 15、Our story is so short, so short that I remember every detail.
  • 16、我们不需要太多的关心,我们只需要一点点在乎。
  • 17、I hope I can say to you while I am drunk when you say to me, too.
  • 18、Our story is so short, so short that I remember every detail.
  • 19、朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁!
  • 20、Walking on the beach of memory, picking up the colorful shellfish of the past, this is the only pleasure after you left.

    My heart is not a bus, not a seat to sit down.
  • 21、My heart is not a bus, not a seat to sit down.
  • 22、华丽的言语,最终承载不住丑陋的本性。
  • 23、将心停泊在彩云升起的港湾,偷偷把幸福刻在你的心间,用一缕友谊的丝线,将你我紧紧绑在岁月变迁的终点。
  • 24、很多人都想和你在一起,但没人和我一样,想永远和你在一起。
  • 25、谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。
  • 26、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。
  • 27、In your side, my life is only one possible, that is pain. But left you, my life there are ten thousand possible!
  • 28、友情,是你成功时为你喝彩,失败时为你伸出扶持的双手。
  • 29、我无意中失去了所有的伪装,每走一步都显得格外小心。
  • 30、谈到名声、荣誉、快乐、财富这些东西,如果同友情相比,它们都是尘土。

  • 31、思念可以让你流泪,思念也可以让人含笑。
  • 32、I think that wine can kill the yearning, who knows that yearning has learned to swim.
  • 33、即使我身边没有你的陪伴我依然着迷与你。
  • 34、Until the day fine, maybe I'll love you again.
  • 35、Look at the clouds at dawn and dusk, think of you as well as sit and think of you as well.
  • A friend is like a flower. Fragrant and elegant; friend is the autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; December is a friend Mei, pure and stand proudly.
  • 36、A friend is like a flower. Fragrant and elegant; friend is the autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; December is a friend Mei, pure and stand proudly.
  • 37、有一种思念叫只关注不打扰,有一种问候叫只关心不安慰。
  • 38、牵你的手,朝朝暮暮,牵你的手,等待明天,牵你的手,走过今生,牵你的手,生生世世。
  • 39、朋友是一辈子的事而恋人只是一阵子的事。
  • 40、人生结交在终结,莫为升沉中路分。

  • 41、若知四海皆兄弟,何处相逢非故人。
  • 42、It's really wonderful to miss you. Sometimes it hurts me. Sometimes it kills me.
  • 43、Missing can make you cry, and it can make you laugh.
  • 44、从我遇见你的那一刻,我就知道我这辈子要找的伴侣就是你。
  • 45、Missing is a kind of beautiful loneliness, and only when missing, loneliness will appear particularly beautiful.
  • 46、在一年的每个日子,在一天每个小时,在一小时的每一分钟,在一分钟的每一秒,我都在想你。
  • 47、爱情不会没有暂时的冷却,在人与人之间的关系中也不会不发生误会。
  • 48、Gorgeous words, and ultimately bear the ugly nature.
  • 49、A friend is like an umbrella, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, it will always be with you!
  • 50、曾经一起欢笑,一起玩耍,以为欢乐地在一起只是寻常,以为离别遥遥无期;转眼曲终人散,各奔东西。天天日升日落,年年花落花开,四季更迭,无言,无迹,一些事情慢慢淡忘,一些记忆渐渐加深。还记得在一起的快乐,记得你的美好,想起你的时候,却发现有很多相关的记忆已模糊。不知道你还会不会想起,曾经的我们,一起的快乐。

    Still can let you heartache, after so many years is easily give up true love.
  • 51、Still can let you heartache, after so many years is easily give up true love.
  • 52、朋友永远第一,朋友的事永远最紧要。
  • 53、Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger.
  • 54、To let go of the smile, just to cover up the pain of the scars.
  • 55、我们的故事太短,短到我清楚的记得每一个细节。
  • 56、We work with this piece of land, sweet taste astringent fruit half points. In order to enjoy the sweet life together, we need to struggle and friendship.
  • 57、友情,是你成功时为你喝彩,失败时为你伸出扶持的双手。
  • 58、友谊永远是一个甜美的责任,从来不是一种机会。
  • 59、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。
  • 60、想起你那句还是朋友,为什么我竟如此痛在心头。
