
  • 1、The behavior of the charity can relieve the pain of others more than money.
  • 2、Odie, we eat ice cream bar, but you have to look at me to eat。欧迪,我们去吃冰激凌吧,不过你得看着我吃。
  • 3、慈善如雨露普覆,虽极微小,但长夜飘落,也能润湿土地滋养群生物类。

  • 4、送人玫瑰之手,历久犹有余香;把你慈善的爱洒给他人,你就是温暖的阳光。
  • 5、Charity, is the source of human happiness, the heart of the oasis, oasis of hope.
  • 完全彻底为人民服务是最高境界的慈善壮举。
  • 6、完全彻底为人民服务是最高境界的慈善壮举。
  • 7、有时候,两个从不相识的人的确也很可能一见面就变成了知心的朋友。
  • 8、Serving the people is the highest realm of absolute charitable deeds.
  • 9、If a little late in the morning to come, I would have liked in the morning。如果早晨晚一点儿来的话,我会喜欢早晨的。
  • 10、像我的名字一样,立志做中国慈善事业的光荣榜样和道德标杆。
  • 11、Before you trust a person eat a lot of salt with him together.
  • 12、Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity.
  • 13、If people can be sympathetic to the charity, ways to eliminate the curse of humanity, is the life of the disaster can destroy half.

  • 14、Success is a relative term。 It brings so many relatives。 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。
  • 15、If a little late in the morning to come, I would have liked in the morning。如果早晨晚一点儿来的话,我会喜欢早晨的。
  • 16、Proverbs are the manners of charity, JiXiang event for pleasure, self-disciplined, no evil thoughts, tenderhearted goodwill to be with you and me.
  • 17、不要没有朋友,也不要有过多的朋友。
  • 18、像我的名字一样,立志做中国慈善事业的光荣榜样和道德标杆。
  • Timid people, will send a friend to the executioner.
  • 19、Timid people, will send a friend to the executioner.
  • 20、If you are smart, don't put that person as a friend, if he and the attachment of your enemies.
  • 21、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。
  • 22、慈善会使孤独的人不再孤独,慈善会使作恶的人找回善良。
  • 23、Your future depends on your dreams。 So go to sleep。 现在的梦想决定着你的将来, 所以还是再睡一会吧 。

  • 24、Everyone should love animals。 They are so tasty。每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。
  • 25、Human life, it is mutual life, not only is the requirement and competition.
  • 26、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。
  • 27、I just finished a 14-day diet, the only minus is that in two weeks time。我刚结束为期14天的节食,唯一减掉的就是两周来的时间。
  • 28、友谊永远是美德的辅佐,不是罪恶的助手。
  • 29、Like my name, to do the glorious example and moral standard of Chinese philanthropy.
  • 30、Everyone has three mother, mother, and the earth. These three mother love ability is qualified to talk about the charity.
  • 31、千林风雨莺求友,万里云天雁断行。
  • 不要没有朋友,也不要有过多的朋友。
  • 32、不要没有朋友,也不要有过多的朋友。
  • 33、友谊永远是一个甜蜜的责任,从来不是一种机会。

  • 34、信赖一个人之前,先同他一块儿吃掉一大堆盐。
  • 35、Charity is like a brilliant sun, without which life will lose luster, earnest, beauty in the dedication.
  • 36、Without a friend, also don't have too many friends.
  • 37、有时候,两个从不相识的人的确也很可能一见面就变成了知心的朋友。
  • 38、鸟以为把鱼举在空中是一种慈善的举动。
  • 39、完全彻底为人民服务是最高境界的慈善壮举。
  • 40、The behavior of the charity can relieve the pain of others more than money.
  • 41、Charity as phosphorus, is refers to the direction; Charity as weights and measures, the standard everywhere.
  • 42、Often we cannot do great things, but we can to do small things with great love.
  • 43、Odie, we eat ice cream bar, but you have to look at me to eat。欧迪,我们去吃冰激凌吧,不过你得看着我吃。

  • 44、Success is a relative term。 It brings so many relatives。 成功是一个相关名词, 他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚 。
  • In an emergency to abandon your friends do not trust.
  • 45、In an emergency to abandon your friends do not trust.
  • 46、Especially liked a little lazy, and that is, do not learn。懒惰有一点特别招人喜欢,那就是,不用学就会。
  • 47、慈善好似一把伞,可以为人挡风遮雨,仁爱犹如彩虹,风雨过后现出美丽。
  • 48、慈善为怀,祈福于民,普天同济,流芳百世。
  • 49、慈善如雨露普覆,虽极微小,但长夜飘落,也能润湿土地滋养群生物类。
  • 50、Good personality is a kind of implementation.
  • 51、美好世界要靠人们创造,慈善事业全靠大家支持。
  • 52、若无任何慈善之心,你将拥有最严重的心脏病。
  • 53、Mei Mei's sleep a sleep, 16 hours, I feel like a short sleep。睡了美美的一觉,16个小时,我是喜欢睡短觉的。

  • 54、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。