
  • 1、小舟在青春的港口起航,我们暂时分手,满载着理想和追求。重新相聚在何时?将在那丰收的时候!
  • 2、把生活酿成酒浆,用快乐作瓶,用微笑命名,用和谐构图,用舒畅着色,聘请看短信的你,做永远的品酒师。
  • 3、手机充电,必须醒来是满电。
  • 4、The streets of wind and rain, signs can hang long, love songs, can you remember a few, don't forget to have a friend like me! Bless you forever!
  • 5、实在受不了,我把我的布娃娃给你**。
  • 日给你温暖,月给你温馨,星给你浪漫,风给你清爽,雨给你滋润,雪给你完美,霜给你晶莹,我给你祝福!


  • 7、The wind blowing, breeze not to witness of friendship; The rain water stop, wash not to drop accompanying mark; Xie, flowers bloom faded to time of youth. Friends, I wish you happiness!
  • 8、有朋友同行是一种力量,有朋友鼓励是一种安慰,有朋友思念是一种福气,有朋友关心是一种幸福。
  • 9、赐你剑仙你不做,给你剑神你不当、非要哭着叫我给你剑人当。
  • 10、多少年了,我家的马桶圈都从没掀起来过!
  • 11、给不了婚姻,就不要霸占别人的青春。
  • 12、男人混得好,头发向后倒;女人混得好,衣服穿得少。
  • 13、The earth knows firmamental sincerity, because of rain; the coast knows the sincerity of sea, because of tidal fondle; I know your sincerity, because of Xinyu transfer.
  • 14、日给你温暖,月给你温馨,星给你浪漫,风给你清爽,雨给你滋润,雪给你完美,霜给你晶莹,我给你祝福!
  • 15、你是一个让我值得尊敬的好朋友,在将来的日子里,相信你会取得重大的成绩。
  • 16、装什么城里人,现在地球都叫村。

  • 17、善良的另一个名字叫蠢货!很多事不是忍了就可以解决的。
  • Numerous hills and streams difficult to give gifts, Clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and beautiful always accompany you, likes you fancy money billion to follow you, friends are always bless you.
  • 18、Numerous hills and streams difficult to give gifts, Clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and beautiful always accompany you, likes you fancy money billion to follow you, friends are always bless you.
  • 19、想起去年的这个时候,我就差600分就上清华了。
  • 20、Wish you are the wind, have hope; you are ready to ship, open the future waves; life is in front of a smile, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life. I wish you a good time.
  • 21、茫茫人海,你是我惟一不能放下的牵挂,也是我最无法释怀的无奈,无论你走到天涯海角,我都会祝福你!
  • 22、我喜欢夕阳下的我的影子,显得我又高又瘦。
  • 23、我以前很瘦,未来也很瘦,所以我现在先胖个一段时间,不然人生不圆满。
  • 24、如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗星代表一份快乐,我送你条银河;如果一棵树代表一份思念,我送你一片森林。
  • 25、我不是草船,你的贱别往我这发。
  • 26、你长得真的很有创意。一笑让我们都失措了。

  • 27、风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是自由的,爱是用心的,恋是疯狂的,天是永恒的,你是难忘的。
  • 28、若你能把一生托付于我,我便倾尽一生博你欢笑。
  • 29、The day gives you warm, the moon gives you warm, the star gives you romantic, the wind gives you refreshing, the rain gives you moisten, the snow gives you perfect, the frost gives you crystal clear, I give you the blessing!
  • If you believe in life, then all the contingency is doomed. If you do not believe in life, then everything is doomed by chance.
  • 30、If you believe in life, then all the contingency is doomed. If you do not believe in life, then everything is doomed by chance.
  • 31、A friend is happy to forget people, people suffering, is your miscues you see another person, is your promotion to you call still the same person!
  • 32、Sail a boat in the port of youth, we break up temporarily, full of ideal and pursuit. When together again? Will at the time of the harvest!
  • 33、送你一第好运短信:收到的人会好运连连,阅读的人会心想事成,储存的人会爱情甜蜜,转发的人会年年发财,删除的人会一生事如意。
  • 34、现在你补作业时流的泪就是你浪的时候脑子进的水。
  • 35、风雨的街头,招牌能挂多久,爱过的老歌,你能记得几首,别忘了有像我这样的一位朋友!永远祝福你!
  • 36、放弃并不总意味着你软弱,有时反而说明你足够坚强去舍弃。

  • 37、No matter how long the future, please cherish every moment together; No matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are friends forever.
  • 38、我占有欲很强,别碰我的东西,小心我跟你拼命。
  • 39、因为你的与众不同,因为你的特别,有时候你得习惯孤独。
  • 40、我们都很傻,可我是装傻,你是真傻。
  • 41、两人之间会吵架,不是因为没有感情,而是因为感情太深
  • 扔硬币,正面去上网,反面去睡觉,立起来去上课。
  • 42、扔硬币,正面去上网,反面去睡觉,立起来去上课。
  • 43、The boy I love to dream, love free indulgence, love fashion style, love the sound of endless days sieve.
  • 44、The boy I love to dream, love free indulgence, love fashion style, love the sound of endless days sieve.
  • 45、It is a kind of strength to have brothers and sisters. It is a comfort to encourage brothers and sisters. It is a blessing to have brothers and sisters.
  • 46、当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候,你应该和他击个掌。

  • 47、风吹风止,拂不去友谊的见证;雨落雨停,洗不掉相伴的印痕;花开花谢,褪不去青春的年华。朋友,祝你幸福美满!
  • 48、A greeting is the beginning of a fate. A meeting is a beautiful legend. A click is a beautiful myth. A communication is a beautiful melody.
  • 49、If a drop of water represents a blessing, I will send you an East China Sea. If a star represents a joy, I will send you a galaxy. If a tree represents a yearning, I will send you a forest.
  • 50、我的梦想:有事秘书干,没事干秘书。现实却是:有事秘书干不了,没事不能干秘书。