
  • 1、我什么都可以失去,但不想失去你。
  • 2、That is what you give pain, good pain or in others to give you happiness.

  • 3、That is what you give pain, good pain or in others to give you happiness.
  • 4、How many times does the palpin leave and look back, but still miss this life.
  • 5、宁愿别人不闻不问,也不希望别人刨根问底。
  • 不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。
  • 6、不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。
  • 7、Hypocrisy said you've been well, then who first turn and walk away.
  • 8、文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作。白居易
  • 9、Wait for the morning fire for cooking will not be too full, so back to cremate before the end.
  • 10、世界为你,无你无此世,在毁灭后才能重生!
  • 11、The sweetest is love, and the most bitter is love.
  • 12、去年花里逢君别,今日花开又一年。韦应物《寄李儋元锡》

  • 13、The coming days would be long. after all do not grow, grey-haired.
  • 14、江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?张若虚《春江花月夜》
  • 15、Learning is what we learn.
  • 16、No matter how we end up, I only know that you owe me a wedding all your life.
  • 17、A gentleman cares about the way but not the poor.
  • 18、整衣香满路,移步袜生尘。
  • 19、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。
  • 20、入门休问荣枯事,观看容颜便得知。
  • The so - called yearning is only a man's wishful thinking.
  • 21、The so - called yearning is only a man's wishful thinking.
  • 22、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。李商隐《无题六首其三》

  • 23、幸福就是以你为圆心,以我为半径画圆。
  • 24、Young people's love is the purest, the most easily broken.
  • 25、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。
  • 26、? Walking in the rain is very good, just wet shoes.
  • 27、Tired, sad, squat down, give oneself a hug.
  • 28、Love you, my cheeks squeeze in; miss you, my chin moves down.
  • 29、希望你一到夜里就失落,后悔没有珍惜我。
  • 30、Love, like murder, always has to be exposed.
  • 31、It is not unfamiliar to buy three goods without losing money and walk three times.
  • 32、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.

  • 33、Silk cannot be woven into a net, and the body cannot be strong without practice.
  • 34、Fishing does not leave the water, firewood does not leave the mountain.
  • 35、The lonely sails far away, the shadows blue sky, only see the Yangtze River Sky flow.
  • In fact, it's not a big deal, looking and glebe's old.
  • 36、In fact, it's not a big deal, looking and glebe's old.
  • 37、Not the stars, let the moon adorn lonely night sky.
  • 38、边学边问,才有学问。
  • 39、有时候,一句话就决堤了泪,因为触动了心扉。
  • 40、其实:你喜欢一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利。
  • 41、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。
  • 42、A gentleman's word is hard to catch up with.

  • 43、你说不是每个人都是你想的那样,那是不是有些就是。
  • 44、Having been liked by you, it's really hard to feel that others like me so much.
  • 45、给不了唯一,就别说什么不离不弃!
  • 46、当你克服你的恐惧,没有人能打败你。
  • 47、我想要变成童话里你爱的那个天使,那个谁你知道吗?
  • 48、Your bag yesterday and I had no time to attend, I company with you future.
  • 49、Said love me, you say don't love me still is you.
  • 50、I really want to know, in your world, how important is it to me.
  • Love comes from love.
  • 51、Love comes from love.
  • 52、Some love is destined to be violated because of the favourable weather, place and people.

  • 53、不论得与不得,至少我曾对你说过:我喜欢你。
  • 54、打鱼的不离水边,打柴的不离山边。
  • 55、如果没有找到合适的雨伞,我宁愿一直淋雨。
  • 56、我真的好想知道,在你的世界里,我到底有多重要。
  • 57、As for the Xiangling mausoleum in the summer, it was blocked along the upstream.
  • 58、Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice,
  • 59、Don't make a hairless cattle, don't ride a horse without a fork.
  • 60、不满足是向上的车轮。鲁迅