2023-05-17 02:44:03
- 1、保护动物就是保护我们的同类。
- 2、保护动物就是保护我们的同类。
- 3、Pearls hang around the neck, friendship is embedded in the heart.
- 4、客观世界只是精神原始的,还没有意识的诗篇。谢林
- 5、Bare cultivation without protection, bare dam.
- 6、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。
- 7、一天一根线,十年积成缎。
- 8、动物也是有生命的,请保护动物!
- 9、保护动物吧。不然世界上的最后一种动物是人类。
- 11、People are iron, rice is steel, three days do not eat hungry panic.
- 12、人心换人心,八两换半斤。
- 13、深栽茄子浅栽烟,想吃红薯地皮沾。
- 14、Time never returns, career giving up is hard to achieve.
- 15、保护动物,善待生物。
- 16、保护野生动物,维护生态安全!
- 17、不参与残害生灵的活动,如射猎动物。
- 18、Pick pepper in autumn, White Dew beats walnuts.
- 19、Although the scale is small, it can press jacks.
- 21、少壮及时宜努力,老大无堪还可憎。
- 22、Time is Yang's great and fair judgement.
- 23、非关道德合,只为钱相知。
- 24、鸟是害虫的天敌,鸟是人类的朋友。
- 25、爱的力量是伟大的我相信爱可以融化我们冰封的心。
- 26、开车莫压过路动物,可能有一窝待哺的小兽等她回家。
- 27、Three Spring Flowers are good for learning. When flowers blossom and fall, life is easy to grow old.
- 28、It's better not to spend summer planting melons before and after grain rain.
- 29、Behind every hard work, there must be double reward.
- 31、Buy chickens and feet, and ducks and mouths.
- 32、Listening to others is sometimes harsh, indicating that someone else is paying attention to you.
- 33、我们是同一个星球上的一家人,我们生命应该是平等的。
- 34、动物和咱是一家,保护动物靠大家。
- 35、保护动物,与自然和谐。
- 36、青春就像是切洋葱,我们都泪流满面,却还乐此不疲。
- 37、对动物不要过于亲密,以防把你的病传给它或它的病传给你。
- 38、不笼养野鸟,彼在牢笼,尔图愉悦,何乐之有。
- 39、A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning.
- 41、If you don't wear pointed shoes, you don't know your toes hurt.
- 42、动物是人类的朋友,请爱护它吧!爱护动物人人有责。
- 43、A year's plan is spring, and a day's plan is morning.
- 44、It's not that idle people can't be idle, idle people can't wait for idle people.
- 45、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.
- 46、假如进化的历史重来一遍,人的出现概率是零。古德尔
- 47、Better give a fight to the poor than a mouthful to the rich.
- 48、动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。
- 49、Youth is like cutting onions. We all have tears on our faces, but we still enjoy it.
- 51、创业百年,败家一天。
- 52、吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手短。
- 53、日图三餐,夜图一宿。