Close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish

  • 1、不是闲人闲不得,闲人不是等闲人。
  • 2、千金难买心,万金不卖道。
  • 3、植树种花,环境美化。

  • 4、The mice still have three cents of grain in stock. The head of grain is not thrifty, but the tail of grain shouts for food.
  • 5、Coarse tea, light rice, long running water.
  • If you are not afraid of being looked down upon by others, you are afraid of not being angry with yourself.
  • 6、If you are not afraid of being looked down upon by others, you are afraid of not being angry with yourself.
  • 7、Wind takes the lane, rain takes the street.
  • 8、棒槌弹棉花乱谈(弹)
  • 9、Time never returns, career giving up is hard to achieve.
  • 10、Giving a child a thousand gold is better than giving a child a skill.
  • 11、有理摆到事上,好钢使到刃上。
  • 12、立夏栽茄子,立秋吃茄子。
  • 13、People look big bird fly upwards.

  • 14、Eat people's mouth short, take people's hand short.
  • 15、Life is short. If we idle away our time, our short life will be too long.
  • 16、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。
  • 17、刚出土的黄连苦苗苗
  • 18、Trees and mountains know the meaning of spring.
  • Listening to others is sometimes harsh, indicating that someone else is paying attention to you.
  • 19、Listening to others is sometimes harsh, indicating that someone else is paying attention to you.
  • 20、戒酒戒头一盅,戒烟戒头一口。
  • 21、Plant eggplant in summer and eat eggplant in autumn.
  • 22、脚踩葫芦晃悠悠
  • 23、知识渊博的人,只讲自己知道的事。

  • 24、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。
  • 25、吃子黄连跳舞苦中取乐
  • 26、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门。
  • 27、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.
  • 28、人要心强,树要皮硬。
  • 29、Maybe we need to go beyond youth to know how narcissistic youth is.
  • 30、五月开茭花,大水淹篱笆。
  • 31、扳了葫芦挖子挖一个少一个
  • A wise God, don't touch bad weather.
  • 32、A wise God, don't touch bad weather.
  • 33、好汗护三村,好狗护三邻。

  • 34、Birds have wings and people have ambitions.
  • 35、不怕别人瞧不起,就怕自己不争气。
  • 36、People in the world, the knife may be sharpened on a stone.
  • 37、命由己定,相由心生,福祸无门,唯己心造。
  • 38、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。
  • 39、It's rainy day and sunny night, but it's still rainy tomorrow.
  • 40、Not afraid of disorder, just afraid of not investigating.
  • 41、Life is a lifetime, grass is a autumn.
  • 42、清明麻,谷雨花,立夏栽稻点芝麻。
  • 43、The heart needs constant exercise and the body needs long work.

  • 44、Pearls hang around the neck, friendship is embedded in the heart.
  • Birds have wings and people have ambitions.
  • 45、Birds have wings and people have ambitions.
  • 46、刚出土的黄连苦苗苗
  • 47、聪明不在年岁上,智慧藏在脑子里。
  • 48、草上结罗网,河里水要涨。
  • 49、马看牙板,人看言行。
  • 50、深栽茄子浅栽烟,想吃红薯地皮沾。
  • 51、藕炒韭菜清清(青青)白白
  • 52、刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。
  • 53、Eat people's mouth short, take people's hand short.

  • 54、Between the world and the world of life, if a foal crosses the gap, suddenly.