2023-03-01 05:37:27
- 1、Youth is like cutting onions. We all have tears on our faces, but we still enjoy it.
- 2、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。
- 4、Many kinds of vegetables can be eaten or sold in spring.
- 5、黄连酿酒苦打成招(糟)
- 6、绸缎上锈牡丹锦上添花
- 7、有理摆到事上,好钢使到刃上。
- 8、No water, no swimming, no sailing, no boating.
- 9、Village unity is strong, family unity is more happy.
- 10、The grass is netted and the water in the river rises.
- 11、Three Spring Flowers are good for learning. When flowers blossom and fall, life is easy to grow old.
- 12、粗茶淡饭,细水长流。
- 14、有山必有路,有水必有渡。
- 15、草上结罗网,河里水要涨。
- 16、It's not about moral harmony, it's about money.
- 17、槐树下弹琴苦中作乐;苦中取乐
- 18、清明麻,谷雨花,立夏栽稻点芝麻。
- 19、Cunninghamia lanceolata shoot burning, less rain in autumn.
- 20、戒酒戒头一盅,戒烟戒头一口。
- 21、恒心架起通天路,勇气打开智慧门。
- 22、千里烧香,不如在家敬爹娘。
23、It is better to plant in spring than in autumn.
- 24、山林树木知春意。
- 25、二两棉花弹(谈)不上
- 26、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。
- 27、Love is not strong, happiness is not a gift.
- 28、三春花事好,为学须及早。花开有落时,人生容易老。
- 29、人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。
- 30、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.
- 31、正月中,好栽松。
- 32、Home free space, planting sesame millet.
33、Youth is like cutting onions. We all have tears on our faces, but we still enjoy it.
- 34、书斋无花不成宅,农家无树不成户。
- 35、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。
- 36、没有锯不倒的树,没有敲不响的钟。
- 37、A knowledgeable person talks only about what he knows.
- 38、Pick pepper in autumn, White Dew beats walnuts.
- 39、蹦蹦跳跳,灵丹妙药。
- 40、Difficulties contain victory, while failures breed success.
- 41、昼雨夜晴没好天,明日依旧雨绵绵。
- 42、劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。
43、Stripe should be green, seedlings should be new.
- 44、天要雨,青苔起;天要晴,青苔沉。
- 45、喊破嗓子,不如甩开膀子。
- 46、Time is Yang's great and fair judgement.
- 47、好汗护三村,好狗护三邻。
- 48、淤泥池塘开莲花,贫寒家境出人才。
- 49、村子团结力量大,家庭团结幸福多。
- 50、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。
- 51、If you don't wear pointed shoes, you don't know your toes hurt.
- 52、Tree planting and afforestation will enrich the country and benefit the people.