2023-04-13 01:55:31
- 1、病从口入,寒从脚起。
- 2、If you want to be rich, plant more trees.
- 3、逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。
- 4、山岭薄地栽地瓜,高粱丰收在涝洼。
- 5、人有恒,万事成;人无恒,万事空。
- 6、People fight for breath and Buddha fight for fragrance.
- 8、不怕一万,只怕万一。
- 9、Reason does not speak louder, there is something to say in front of you.
- 10、光阴似箭,日月如梭。
- 11、山林树木知春意。
- 12、A gentleman's revenge lasts three years, and a villain's revenge is at hand.
- 13、按下葫芦浮起瓢此起彼落
- 14、地葫芦不叫地葫芦小藕儿;小呕儿
- 15、环境越艰难困苦,就越要有坚定的毅力和信心。
- 16、二两棉花弹(谈)不上
- 18、不经琢磨,宝石也不会发光。
- 19、天要雨,青苔起;天要晴,青苔沉。
- 20、书斋无花不成宅,农家无树不成户。
- 21、清水煮白菜一清(青)二白
- 22、Cunninghamia lanceolata shoot burning, less rain in autumn.
- 23、用宝石装饰自己,不如用知识充实自己。
- 24、干河滩里栽牡丹好景不长;好景难常
- 25、Home can not be frugal, entrepreneurship can not be diligent.
- 26、May blossoms, flooding fences.
- 28、How much sweat, how much food.
- 29、Melons are planted on thin hills, and sorghum is harvested in waterlogged areas.
- 30、It's not a boatman. Hugh has a bamboo pole.
- 31、爱情,是自身的,我不再缺少些甚么了。
- 32、Bamboo has no skin and can move in all seasons.
- 33、弹棉花的戴乌纱帽有功(弓)之臣
- 34、Wisdom is derived from wisdom and wisdom from learning.
- 35、按下葫芦浮起瓢此起彼落
- 36、二两棉花弹(谈)不上
37、Dead people like this, day and night.
- 38、饭锅里蒸黄连苦闷;苦焖
- 39、秋分早,霜降迟。
- 40、Reason does not speak louder, there is something to say in front of you.
- 41、不是靠天吃饭,全靠两手动弹。
- 42、Eat a cut and grow wisdom.
- 43、Eat less, taste more, eat more bad stomach.
- 44、A gentleman's revenge lasts three years, and a villain's revenge is at hand.
- 45、No flower in a study, no house in a farmhouse, no tree in a farmhouse.
- 46、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。
- 48、Home can not be frugal, entrepreneurship can not be diligent.
- 49、虎不怕山高,鱼不怕水深。
- 50、Not afraid ofjust afraid of
- 51、有打鱼的时候,也有晒网的时候。
- 52、Better to decorate your heart than your face.
- 53、冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响