2023-03-11 14:41:03
- 1、立秋摘花椒,白露打胡桃。
- 2、喊破嗓子,不如甩开膀子。
- 3、秤砣虽小,能压千斤。
- 4、豌豆下沟顺着滚
- 5、人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。
- 6、Stop drinking and smoking.
- 8、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。
- 9、量大福大,心宽屋宽。
- 10、Listening to others is sometimes harsh, indicating that someone else is paying attention to you.
- 11、豌豆下沟顺着滚
- 12、蚂蚁装到葫芦里乱碰
- 13、Home free space, planting sesame millet.
- 14、时间是阳伟大、公正的裁判。
- 15、赐子千金,不如赐子一艺。
- 16、Good sweat protects three villages and good dog protects three neighbours.
- 18、Deep-planting eggplant and shallow-planting tobacco, want to eat sweet potato ground dip.
- 19、天要雨,青苔起;天要晴,青苔沉。
- 20、豌豆下沟顺着滚
- 21、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.
- 22、If you are not afraid of being looked down upon by others, you are afraid of not being angry with yourself.
- 23、心要常操,身要长劳。
- 24、Qingming sesame, rice rainflower, planting rice in summer point sesame.
- 25、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。
- 26、天要雨,青苔起;天要晴,青苔沉。
- 28、I advise you not to spare the golden thread clothes, but to spare the time when you were a teenager.
- 29、A wise God, don't touch bad weather.
- 30、不是闲人闲不得,闲人不是等闲人。
- 31、Eat people's mouth short, take people's hand short.
- 32、买鸡看爪,买鸭看嘴。
- 33、买鸡看爪,买鸭看嘴。
- 34、No water, no swimming, no sailing, no boating.
- 35、Jumping and skipping is a panacea.
- 36、Village unity is strong, family unity is more happy.
- 38、吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手短。
- 39、Life is short. If we idle away our time, our short life will be too long.
- 40、人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。
- 41、脚踩葫芦晃悠悠
- 42、Better give a fight to the poor than a mouthful to the rich.
- 43、苦瓜煮黄连苦闷(焖);苦在一起了
- 44、水底里捺葫芦一个捺下去,一个又上来
- 45、按下葫芦浮起瓢此起彼落
- 46、听别人的话有时刺耳,说明还有人注意你。
47、It's better to burn incense in a thousand miles than to respect your parents at home.
- 48、不下水,一辈子不会游泳;不扬帆,一辈子不会撑船。
- 49、Rationality is in the matter, good steel is in the edge.
- 50、Giving a child a thousand gold is better than giving a child a skill.