
  • 1、In the end well all realize that what we need isnt someone whos PERFECT, but someone whos RIGHT、到最后你会发现,我们要找的不是完美的人,而是最合适的人。
  • 2、I acted like it wasnt a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart、我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。
  • 3、It doesn’t matter to be a mass of bruises, and this time I care nothing about、 But once is enough, because life can never afford such a heavy love、这一次,遍体鳞伤也没关系;这一次,可以什么都不在乎。但只是这一次就够了。因为生命再也承受不起这么重的爱情。
  • 4、I can accept failure but I cant accept not trying、我可以接受失败,但绝对不能接受自己都未曾奋斗过。
  • 5、When you reach out to me, I thought I could go with you all my life.

    A lifetime we walk together。
  • 6、A lifetime we walk together。
  • 7、If someone is strong enough to bring you down,show them you are strong enough to get up、如果有人足够强大到让你倒下,那你就让他看看,你也能自己站起来。
  • 8、Our love is the process of fairy tale, but no ending。
  • 9、演绎得再美好,还是在悲伤中死去。
  • 10、我们没有说再见,只是很默契的不再打扰对方。
  • 11、I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night、你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。
  • 12、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints。
  • 13、I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name、我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。
  • 14、I love three things in this world、 Sun, moon and you、 Sun for morning, moon for night , and you forever、予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。
  • 15、能回忆的东西,证明已经失去了。

  • 16、It is well worth of falling love in someone,even can keep up with the unavoidable damage。真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。
  • 17、It doesn’t matter to be a mass of bruises, and this time I care nothing about、 But once is enough, because life can never afford such a heavy love、这一次,遍体鳞伤也没关系;这一次,可以什么都不在乎。但只是这一次就够了。因为生命再也承受不起这么重的爱情。
  • 18、Happiness by adding those sad there the elements。
  • 19、一辈子我们一起走。
  • The time will hesitate can breathe, will stop for us。
  • 20、The time will hesitate can breathe, will stop for us。
  • 21、It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices、决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
  • 22、If you don’t love the person at all, never give them a reason to love you more、如果你不喜欢一个人,不要给他/她再爱你的理由。
  • 23、Because that desperate love, what I lost you never know。
  • 24、Until one day, even the lonely said tired.
  • 25、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints。

  • 26、你说要保护我,后来的大风大浪却也都是你给的。
  • 27、Yesterday is history 。Tomorrow is a mystery 。But today is a gift。
  • 28、我们的爱情有着童话的过程,却没有结局。
  • 29、It doesn’t matter to be a mass of bruises, and this time I care nothing about、 But once is enough, because life can never afford such a heavy love、这一次,遍体鳞伤也没关系;这一次,可以什么都不在乎。但只是这一次就够了。因为生命再也承受不起这么重的爱情。
  • 30、你做了我的逃兵,却成了她的盖世英雄。
  • 31、People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.
  • 32、你说过,爱的太深却不要让自己沉沦
  • 33、If flourishing destroyed, let me sleep well.
  • 我们没有说再见,只是很默契的不再打扰对方。
  • 34、我们没有说再见,只是很默契的不再打扰对方。
  • 35、If you came into my life then I believe you wont leave;but if you leave, I will move on as you never been here before、你来,信你不会走;你走,我当你没来。

  • 36、You said, love is too deep but don't let their destruction。
  • 37、I missed you but I missing you、I missing you but I missed you 、I see you but I seeing you、I seeing you but I see you、明明已经错过你,但我却还在想念你。当我想念你的时候,但我不能再拥有你。明明已经别离,却又再次相遇。当我们再次相遇时,却不得不说再见。
  • 38、等待雨,是伞一生的宿命。
  • 39、And to the road, behind you, but not.
  • 40、I love three things in this world、 Sun, moon and you、 Sun for morning, moon for night , and you forever、予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。
  • 41、说分手的是我念念不忘的也是我。
  • 42、If you hate me,youre the loser,not me、如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我。
  • 43、小小的幸福,啪嗒一声,碎了满地。
  • 44、说忘记的人,往往还是记得的。
  • 45、I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night、你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。

  • 46、Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
  • 47、我想到了与你的未来种种意外,却忘了考虑你会不在。
  • Love through tears, from deep and become indifferent。
  • 48、Love through tears, from deep and become indifferent。
  • 49、If u dont like someone, might as well tell that person instead of lying to him/her everyday、 Truth may hurt, but lies hurt way more、如果你不喜欢一个人,最好告诉他/她真相,而不是用谎言欺骗,真相也许会伤人,但谎言会把人伤得更深。
  • 50、In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you、在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。
  • 51、Wandering in the past, you make me tired.
  • 52、I dont cry,it is not because Im strong,but to give you reliance when you cry、我不哭,不是因为我坚强,而是为了让你在哭的时候还能有所依靠。
  • 53、Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.
  • 54、It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices、决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
  • 55、If u dont like someone, might as well tell that person instead of lying to him/her everyday、 Truth may hurt, but lies hurt way more、如果你不喜欢一个人,最好告诉他/她真相,而不是用谎言欺骗,真相也许会伤人,但谎言会把人伤得更深。

  • 56、If you do not leave me ,I will be with you untill the end of the life、你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。
  • 57、并不是不想拥有,只是怕拥有后失去,更怕失去后,以怀念度日。
  • 58、Not do not want to have, just afraid of losing, more afraid to lose, to remember to live.