
  • 1、装腔作势是生命力旺盛的象征,虚荣心强是年轻的标志。
  • 2、How can love allow intervention, how sad to say clearly.

  • 3、我是如此孤独却笑得像个孩子所以你们要疼我爱我不要离开我
  • 4、你可以不在乎、可以无视我,那么,我也可以。
  • 5、People who say they forget often remember.
  • 好好生活,慢慢相遇
  • 6、好好生活,慢慢相遇
  • 7、Why is there a lot of things, always turn around on the reincarnation?
  • 8、When a person who does not love the time, you can fall in love with any one of the people around him.
  • 9、Do you think you have a lot of friends? You may not find a person who can send an umbrella in the address book.
  • 10、你只是过客,我只是路过,我们只是擦肩而过。
  • 11、Some way, only one person to go; some people, can only walk and forget.
  • 12、It doesn't matter if you're late with you.

  • 13、Now we only have the tacit understanding, is quietly lying on the other side of the friends list, or their live.
  • 14、Everyone has done all the dirty things in the world with the word love.
  • 15、后来我遇见过很多人有的像极了你的眉有的像极了你的眼可无论如何都再也找不到同你一样的容颜
  • 16、慢慢的,学会了一个人默默承受一切,不让人看透。学会了隐藏每次心伤,在人群中装坚强。
  • 17、人生有两种境界,一种是痛而不言,另一种是笑而不语。
  • 18、I am so cold and thin, what to warm others.
  • 19、我没有预感也不指望你会陪着我
  • It doesn't matter if you're late with you.
  • 20、It doesn't matter if you're late with you.
  • 21、I thought of all the unexpected with your future, but forgot to consider that you will not be in.
  • 22、我是如此孤独却笑得像个孩子所以你们要疼我爱我不要离开我

  • 23、有些路,只能一个人走;有些人,只能边走边忘。
  • 24、Say good-bye is my obsession is me.
  • 25、爱情怎么能容许介入,心酸怎么能说清楚。
  • 26、我知道我不坚强,但是我需要这样的伪装,因为你不在我身边。
  • 27、时光越老,人心越淡。曾经说好了生死与共的人,到最后老死不相往来。岁月是贼,总是不经意地偷去许多,美好的容颜,真实的情感,幸福的生活。也许我们无法做到视若无睹,但也不必干戈相向。毕竟谁都拥有过花好月圆的时光,那时候,就要做好有一天被洗劫一空的准备!
  • 28、Now we only have the tacit understanding, is quietly lying on the other side of the friends list, or their live.
  • 29、谁来打扰我的安静,我就灭了谁的辉煌。
  • 30、爱情怎么能容许介入,心酸怎么能说清楚。
  • 31、你有足够努力让未来看见你吗?你知道别人在拼命你怎么好意思浪费时间。
  • 32、因为时间看得比我们还清楚。

  • 33、I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.
  • Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.
  • 34、Just to survive, I began to learn and understand to let go.
  • 35、我知道我不坚强,但是我需要这样的伪装,因为你不在我身边。
  • 36、Everyone has done all the dirty things in the world with the word love.
  • 37、因为时间看得比我们还清楚。
  • 38、想做个无人疼爱的傲娇鬼.
  • 39、被人爱着的感觉真好啊
  • 40、被人爱着的感觉真好啊
  • 41、我没有预感也不指望你会陪着我
  • 42、大家顶着爱这个词,干尽了人间丑事。

  • 43、我知道我不坚强,但是我需要这样的伪装,因为你不在我身边。
  • 44、你只是个梦,而我却睡过了头。
  • 45、你只是过客,我只是路过,我们只是擦肩而过。
  • 46、Sometimes, just want to have someone to hug me, until I feel really good.
  • 47、You say you want to protect me, then the strong wind and big waves are also to you.
  • People who say they forget often remember.
  • 48、People who say they forget often remember.
  • 49、戳到痛处的玩笑从来都不是玩笑
  • 50、Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.
  • 51、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
  • 52、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。

  • 53、You are my pen to hide for years, writing news.
  • 54、能不能别对我忽冷忽热,我会受不了。
  • 55、I turned back and saw a piece of memory. Slowly, all the traces of you.
  • 56、Why you are close to me, I took a magnifying glass can not see your shadow.
  • 57、被人爱着的感觉真好啊