2023-01-29 03:08:12
- 1、Sometimes, that person is in your side. But you don't know that he is there, because the wrong person to block your line of sight.
- 2、生命不息,爱你不止。我相信这份至真爱意会激荡在你我人生旅程的每个角落每寸空气,胜过月光的浪漫阳光的热烈。让我们相约人生的每一处浪漫时光。
- 4、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。
- 5、Home has one heart, money to buy; Home has two hearts, no money to buy needles.
- 6、生命不息,爱你不止。我相信这份至真爱意会激荡在你我人生旅程的每个角落每寸空气,胜过月光的浪漫阳光的热烈。让我们相约人生的每一处浪漫时光。
- 7、Beauty is poor in life, but fortune lies beside the ugly.
- 8、死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。佚名《诗经邶风击鼓》
- 9、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。
- 10、爱情是因为相互欣赏而孕育的,因为心动而相恋,因为互相离不开而结婚,但婚后的愛情已转化为亲情。更重要的一点是需要宽容、谅解、习惯和适应才会携手一生的。
- 11、Sometimes, that person is in your side. But you don't know that he is there, because the wrong person to block your line of sight.
- 12、Cold spring and hot autumn are the rainy festivals.
- 14、Take advantage of one's strengths and make up for one's weaknesses.
- 15、爱情是因为相互欣赏而孕育的,因为心动而相恋,因为互相离不开而结婚,但婚后的愛情已转化为亲情。更重要的一点是需要宽容、谅解、习惯和适应才会携手一生的。
- 16、前世的姻缘让我今生遇见了你,让我感到你是我最美丽的意外,这辈子最疯狂的是我爱上了你,最幸福的是希望你能陪我疯一辈子!亲爱的,嫁给我好吗?
- 17、If even today can not be honored, what you promise me forever.
- 18、德行与技艺,是子孙最美的产业。
- 19、爱情就像片片拼图,结合后构成一幅美丽的图画,如果不见了一片,就永远都不会完整,你-就是我不想遗失的那重要一片。
- 20、爱一个人,那是一件简单的事。就好像用杯子装满一杯水,清清凉凉地喝下去。你的身体需要它,感觉自己健康和愉悦。认定它是一个好习惯。所以愿意日日夜夜重复它。
- 21、Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening!
- 22、人生自是有情痴,贫民夫妻恩爱随。相依相伴互扶持,风雨共济直到老。没有金钱不要紧,二人同心,其利断金,成功人的背后往往有一个永远支持爱你的人!
- 24、That was how to pick up the flight of time, straight ahead.
- 25、多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰,爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹
- 26、Eight immortals cross the sea and each shows his magic power.
- 27、如果抱怨成习惯,心灵就像上了枷锁,没有一刻解脱。唯有放下抱怨,才能体会到生命的自在与幸福。
- 28、做女人一定要经得起慌言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言,放得下一切,最后用笑去伪装掉下来的眼泪,宁愿相信世界上有鬼,也不要相信男人那张破嘴。
- 29、知冷知热是夫妻。
- 30、宁给好汉拉马,不给懒汉作爷。
- 31、Seven things in the morning, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.
- 32、Thousands of miles without needles, thousands of miles without light load.
- 34、To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate.
- 35、不要为过去的时间叹息!我们在人生的道路上,最好的办法是向前看,不要回头。
- 36、Cold spring and hot autumn are the rainy festivals.
- 37、春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。李商隐《无题》
- 38、不是冤家不聚头。
- 39、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。
- 40、There is no filial son in front of a long bed.
- 41、Husband and wife, housework; Husband and wife do not sleep restlessly.
- 42、注意哦,小偷要光临你家,他要偷走你所有的烦恼,还想偷走你的心。傻瓜,我爱你,不介意的话让我去做那个小偷。
43、Most unhappy people tend to underestimate what they have, and overestimate what others have.
- 44、If stone will tears, I want to be a star on the stone in your heart cry, at least, can also feel your temperature.
- 45、Is it a husband who listens to a woman's words, but a parent who is rich and poor in wealth?
- 46、水不激不跃,人不激不奋。
- 47、不理家务事,不知生活难。
- 48、如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。
- 49、德行与技艺,是子孙最美的产业。
- 50、Trees are afraid of soft vines and bodies are afraid of not exercising.
- 51、同穴窅冥何所望,他生缘会更难期。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》
- 52、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!