
  • 1、你说世间什么最难熬是徒手摘星还是爱而不得。
  • 2、We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the outcome.
  • 3、想你的时候,我会望着天空,可我却望得发了呆。
  • 4、我本向心照明月,奈何明月照沟渠。
  • 5、心里有座坟,葬着未亡人。

  • 6、“班主任和校长都掉到河里,你手上有一块砖你砸谁?”“谁TM救人我砸谁”
  • 7、想见你可以有一万个理由见到你却发现缺少了一个见你的身份
  • 8、总在为没必要的剧情忍耐,虚构的多么悲哀。
  • 9、爱上一匹野马可惜我家里没有烤箱没有冰箱一次性又吃不完
  • 10、We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the outcome.
  • 11、如果你回来,如果我还在,如果你回来,但愿我还在。
  • 12、Just hold on, we will be able to reach the other side of happiness.
  • 13、Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waiting for.
  • 14、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?
  • 15、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?

  • 16、2“你再怎样差劲也会有一个人深爱着你。”
  • 17、When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.
  • 18、我爱你我瞒住所有人在爱你.
  • 19、The total of the story is not necessary to endure, how tragic fiction.
  • 20、别为不爱你的人哭的哽咽别为不爱你的人而抛弃所有要关心你的人不值得没意思不是吗
  • 适当的放弃是人生优雅的转身
  • 21、适当的放弃是人生优雅的转身
  • 22、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。
  • 23、爱上一匹野马可惜我家里没有烤箱没有冰箱一次性又吃不完
  • 24、When I think of you, I will look at the sky, but I hope to be sent to stay.
  • 25、悲伤的秋千总有微风陪伴,孤寂的夜,总有繁星点点,蓦然回首,而你却不在我身边。

  • 26、那些过去存在于我的记忆。终归我是爱你的。
  • 27、When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.
  • 28、I am the centripetal as the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.
  • 29、When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.
  • 30、沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。
  • 31、总在为没必要的剧情忍耐,虚构的多么悲哀。
  • 32、Incomplete heart, can give you is reduced to fragments.
  • 33、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?
  • 34、The rain beautiful copy from rolia. Rain's departure is not also means that we should end up!
  • 35、记得我的好或者记得我就好.

  • 36、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。
  • 37、Incomplete heart, can give you is reduced to fragments.
  • 38、前世五百次的回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。
  • 39、Just hold on, we will be able to reach the other side of happiness.
  • 40、前世五百次的回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。
  • 41、The rain beautiful copy from rolia. Rain's departure is not also means that we should end up!
  • 42、Leaf's departure is not the call of the wind, but the abandonment of the tree.
  • 43、There is a bear is actually contain a kind of strength, there was a silence is shaking confession.
  • 44、Seen too many setbacks, even they will not cry.
  • 45、孤单,是你心里面没有人。寂寞,是你心里有人却不在身边。

  • 46、我很想你,但我无能为力。
  • 47、前世五百次的回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。
  • 48、Incomplete heart, can give you is reduced to fragments.
  • 49、蜗牛并不比人更有毅力,它们不过是按照大自然赋予的速率散步。
  • 50、When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.
  • 台风来了请大家看好自己家女朋友万我是你曾带着浪荡作为我很容易生气但我真的很好哄
  • 51、台风来了请大家看好自己家女朋友万我是你曾带着浪荡作为我很容易生气但我真的很好哄
  • 52、总在为没必要的剧情忍耐,虚构的多么悲哀。
  • 53、叶子的离开不是风的召唤,而是树的舍弃。
  • 54、记忆是一张挂满风铃的卷帘,藏匿不了回味里一丝缱绻的痕迹。
  • 55、The memories that used to be in my memory. After all, I love you.

  • 56、朋友有两种,一种需要经常见面,否则连话都难接上,感情更淡漠;另一种朋友不必天天联系,三年五载甚至更长,彼此音容模糊,可一朝晤面,宛若朝夕相处。
  • 57、这世上,不是只有烈酒才能醉人,不是只有热恋才会刻骨,有时候,一份清淡,更能历久弥香;一种无意,更能魂牵梦萦;一段简约,更可以维系一生。
  • 58、当你真正去等待一个人的时候,那个人永远都不会出现。
  • 59、这世上,不是只有烈酒才能醉人,不是只有热恋才会刻骨,有时候,一份清淡,更能历久弥香;一种无意,更能魂牵梦萦;一段简约,更可以维系一生。
  • 60、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛,难道你认为伤我还不够?