Babies are the ever-burning lamps of the room, the friendship is the light of happiness

  • 1、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。
  • 2、生;不过是一朵花开的时间,死;亦不过是一片叶落的刹那。
  • 3、Your kiss my jade hope renewed, your body temperature to warm my heart, you let me fear and surprise.
  • 4、我会好好珍惜你的,我的亲亲!以后的风雨人生路,我愿陪你一同走过。

  • 5、结婚那天你一定要来做我的伴郞,因为我们承诺过要一起走进婚姻的殿堂。
  • Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.
  • 6、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.
  • 7、Miss lose self-control, pain can not take care of themselves, the results can not himself, not to the happiness.
  • 8、Happiness depends on fantasy, but happiness depends on reality.
  • 9、我懵懵懂懂过了一年,这一年似乎没有改变,守着你离开后的世界,空空如也。
  • 10、The most we still get separated, one sentence: stand the lethal side off time, ordinary life to survive the silence.
  • 11、Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely.
  • 12、不在任何东西面前失去自我,哪怕是教条,哪怕是别人的目光,哪怕是爱情。
  • 13、There is always a person who said to always protect you, but in the end is in the side of others.
  • 14、Step by step, looking through the vicissitudes of life, to live again.

  • 15、Once too young but absolutely true, my love is always capricious, do not understand the love of flowers only once.
  • 16、后来我们都很干脆,你没有回头,我没有挽留。从此成为陌路,音信全无。
  • 17、幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候,就让回忆来陪我。
  • 18、其实邂逅本事就是一个浪漫的故事,有了开始,过程,如果还想要结局,自己都会觉得太贪婪。
  • 19、我也有我的骄傲,我的自尊,并不应该为某人把这一切都放弃掉。
  • 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。
  • 20、爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。
  • 21、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.
  • 22、Step by step, looking through the vicissitudes of life, to live again.
  • 23、Tend to others to hello, is not you are very attractive, but your stupid to let a person love dearly.
  • 24、送别,只能以无奈的表情去微笑。而我多想有聚无散。

  • 25、Happiness is, the airport is still open, there are still people singing on tv.
  • 26、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?
  • 27、这世上最遥远的距离,不是当爱已成往事,而是你以为刻骨铭心的往事,在对方眼里不过是早已遗忘的一粒沙。
  • 28、喜欢一个人倚窗听雨,看雨丝轻舞飞扬,听雨声滴答轻响,用双手盈握飘洒的冰凉,一丝淡淡的轻愁也会柔柔浮出,就这样陶醉于一种孤独的宁静中。
  • 29、Don't let happiness wait for too long. Don't let it become a pity.
  • 30、Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 31、有什么是眼泪冲洗不了的,时间也会赶来帮忙。
  • 32、我见过很多个像你的人,却没有如的人,于是我闭上双眼,你就清晰地浮现在我的脑海里。
  • 33、Is love and love of others is the same happiness, but once it was enough for a lifetime.
  • 如果你注定不能给予我期待的回应,那么我们还是保持在安全的距离之外!


  • 35、We don't feel happy, because we pursue is not happiness, but happiness than others.
  • 36、Happiness is, the airport is still open, there are still people singing on tv.
  • 37、没有我为您掌灯,您在回家的路上,会觉得难过吗?
  • 38、失去就像剪掉一截头发习惯性的摸到最尾端却抓到了空气。
  • 39、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。
  • 40、I hate who, always the performance is particularly obvious, and I like who, but the camouflage is very good.
  • 41、He is the most, to know that he is a spare, but do not want to leave.
  • 42、I do not have a strong defense, there is no posterior can retreat.
  • 43、当你的冷漠超出了我心里所能承受的负荷,那么心掏给你,我走。
  • 44、怀念和你相遇的日子,那些篆刻在心底的记忆,瘦尽一生也无法磨灭,也许我们无缘再见,也许那一段情感只能成为过去,但你却是我最感动的牵念。

  • 45、Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.
  • 46、思念穿过万水千山叩响你的心扉,你可知道心灵的花瓣多了颗晶莹的泪珠。
  • 47、你从来都没有爱过我,这是我从游戏的一开始就知道了。
  • 你终究会喜欢上别人,牵别人的手,吻别人的唇,入别人的怀,而你爱我这三个字,终将会和我没关系。
  • 48、你终究会喜欢上别人,牵别人的手,吻别人的唇,入别人的怀,而你爱我这三个字,终将会和我没关系。
  • 49、As long as the heart is not tired, I think men and women are tired, but also happy.
  • 50、情断了,绑不住,试着放手,走与不走,留与不留,我不想懂。
  • 51、Miss will have a new meeting; fate is, not as early as late, just right.
  • 52、曾经,我也天真的试着要去改变过你们,可是,花儿为谁开又为谁落。
  • 53、后山长满松柏树,不用向人讨香料。
  • 54、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛,难道你认为伤我还不够?

  • 55、你的热吻把我的玉望重新燃起,你的体温把我的心扉暖透,你的动作让我害怕又惊喜。
  • 56、太年轻的感情就像七八岁的英雄梦一样不可一世又不堪一击。