For the dedication, and live happier than for bread

  • 1、Know why I like you, you want me to be and I want to be the same person.
  • 2、白昼与黑夜将无法阻挡我俩的深深思念!
  • 3、好想从现在开始抱著你,紧紧的抱著你,一直走到上帝面前。
  • 4、相爱却不能相恋,相恋却不相爱。既相爱又相恋的我们却不能相守一生。
  • 5、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。
  • The most effective capital is our reputation, which works for us all the time.

    6、The most effective capital is our reputation, which works for us all the time.

  • 7、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you.
  • 8、很想和你拥抱着看清晨的朝阳升起,很想和你拥抱着看黄昏的夕阳落去,很想在夜晚拥抱着你说:我爱你!
  • 9、A person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.
  • 10、It was not that he would come up, but that my heart would not follow me.
  • 11、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。
  • 12、失败并不意味你浪费了时间和生命,失败表明你有理由重新开始。
  • 13、The four leading students also learned from the teacher's practice, jumping forward with their feet, some could not stand and fell down, some were tripped by sacks, and some were too timid to jump again and slipped back to the team.
  • 14、A lot of things may not work out, but if you don't work hard, nothing will change.
  • 15、Disappointed, sometimes is also a kind of happiness, because there will be so disappointed look. Because there is love, will be looking forward to, even though disappointed, is also a kind of happiness, although this happiness a little pain.
  • 16、In the world, there are only people who can't think, and there is no impassable way.

  • 17、听不到,看不到,是否真的不重要。
  • The smiling faces of lively children are like the blooming flowers in spring.
  • 18、The smiling faces of lively children are like the blooming flowers in spring.
  • 19、毽子调皮地向右边飞去,眼看就要着地了,就在这千钧一发的时刻,绢绢机灵地向右边一弯腰一伸腿,毽子就像被磁铁吸住了似的,又让她给控制住了。
  • 20、When we lose, we know we have.
  • 21、有一种成功,叫永不言弃;有一种成功,叫继续努力。
  • 22、一张张活泼的儿童的笑脸,像春天里娇艳的鲜花在开放。
  • 23、You, I love you; my life to you; you, my life waiting for you, my life; the only people
  • 24、我只知爱你!我全身的血液已统统变作了我的爱,我的情!
  • 25、**是一种希望。这种希望可能变成失望。**同时意味着痛苦和过渡。希望破灭时,**便终止了。
  • 26、In every night with you, no longer lonely.

  • 27、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。
  • 28、You are the world, the world is you. I am willing to use their own heart, good accompany you, love you.
  • 29、没什么特别的事,只是想听听你的声音,想知道你是否如我想你一般在想我。
  • Clearly chose to give up, why still can't forget.
  • 30、Clearly chose to give up, why still can't forget.
  • 31、如果爱情可以分期付款,我要预约你的爱情用我的生命做抵押,一辈子关怀做利息,用一生做偿还,不知你是否愿意当我一生一世的银行?
  • 32、你灵气,我傻气;你秀气,我土气;你香气,我酒气;你生气,我受气。一切只为你满意。
  • 33、Success is to work hard, not to hope.
  • 34、Know why I like you, you want me to be and I want to be the same person.
  • 35、Now every day wake up and opened my eyes to see is the mobile phone that you like the sun like smile, really want to wake up someday, touched on first glance is real you that like to spend like a sweet Shuirong...
  • 36、Can't hear, can't see, whether it really doesn't matter.

  • 37、一个缺口的杯子,如果换一个角度看它,它仍然是圆的。
  • 38、Too many words want to say with you, but by the mouth is a line I miss you.
  • 39、On the green grass and crystal like dew your heart; your beauty is as charming as flowers; your smile is like the stars as bright, so love flowers growing flowers, often collect dew at night to enjoy the stars has become my hobby.
  • 40、自己选择的路跪着也要把它走完。
  • 41、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。
  • 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明。
  • 42、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明。
  • 43、A person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.
  • 44、Do you know? These days did not see you, the daylights out of only wanted to commit suicide: I tried hanging with the noodles, with bean curd hit the head, with sliver cutting veins, with cola do poison, with a parachute jump!
  • 45、好笑吗身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗?
  • 46、爱说,爱笑的你总是让人很回味。于是,你成为了我界中伴侣。

  • 47、让我感动的不是动听的情话,而是简简单单一句我想你了。
  • 48、天气预报:今夜到明天上午有点想你,预计下午转为持续想你,受此低情绪影响,傍晚将转为大到暴想,心情降低五度,预计此类天气将持续到见你为止。
  • 49、你,我一生最爱的人;你,我一生最想的人;你,我一生守候的人;你,我一生惟一的人
  • 50、没什么特别的事,只是想听听你的声音,想知道你是否如我想你一般在想我。