2023-02-15 16:17:36
- 1、How I want to walk through the dialog box to hug you.
- 2、Love will never be too late.
- 3、Anyway, believe me, I love you!
- 4、Take my hand, close your eyes and you will not get lost.
- 5、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。
- 6、A person, a city, love dearly for life.
- 7、We once lived for each other.
- 8、毁于虚荣心的女性,比毁于爱情的还要多。
- 10、恋爱时不必比强弱、比姿态,不能以怕受伤害的心态去恋爱,而更应是展示真实的自我。
- 11、水说:我知道你流泪,因为你在我心里!鱼说:你看不见我流泪,因为我在水里。
- 12、时间淡漠了记忆,储蓄了陌生,昔时撕心裂肺,却不如现时的安然置陌。
- 13、我与回忆拉扯,你同新欢纠缠。
- 14、A person who has never made a mistake, you don't expect him to have any creation.
- 15、自己的媳妇,哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。
- 16、不管怎么样,相信我是爱你的!
- 17、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。
- 18、莪想到那条路上去,可以看见开的正盛的彼岸花很凄美。
19、We once lived for each other.
- 20、在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐。
- 21、Life without love is like a tree without.
- 22、Love without words for the media, all at the hint.
- 23、深知我者才久居我心,深知你者才能伤你无形。
- 24、Love does not need to be more than strong and weak, more than attitude, can not be afraid of being hurt to love, but more to show the true self.
- 25、It's true that a hug is extravagant.
- 26、我们放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,都只是因为放不下一个人。
- 27、The worst virus is love and lies.
- 28、友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。
29、Love and you are gone, leaving me at last.
- 30、爱和你都走了,最后只剩下我。
- 31、爲你付出的只有全部、而得到的卻是無盡的眼淚和難過。
- 32、I look up at the stars of the sky, but I am still lost in your light and shadow.
- 33、长不过执念,短不过善变。
- 34、Remember angelica, I look forward to good news.
- 35、会帮你系鞋带的男人是好男人!且珍惜。
- 36、Long but obsession, short but fickle.
- 37、The man who can help you tie your shoelaces is a good man! And cherish it.
- 38、If love, please love.
- 40、一生飘泊摆渡,临岸却孤独。
- 41、不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。
- 42、Life without love is like a tree without.
- 43、The only thing you have to pay for is endless tears and sadness.
- 44、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。
- 45、一些很期待的生活,总是在你自以为是的梦想中消磨了,然后给予你一个很失望的打击。
- 46、Deep to the bone of love, that is inseparable.
- 47、不是不爱,只是被爱伤的太深。
- 48、深知我者才久居我心,深知你者才能伤你无形。
- 50、最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。
- 51、你随时要认命,因为你是人。