The ploughman's faith and their own sweat, every drop of gestates a seed of hope

  • 1、I believe, he will be the first time to give me smiling, while I, induction of two hearts long back.
  • 2、Make a person's limited life, more effective, which is equal to extend the lives of people.
  • 3、步履是治愈恐惊的良药,而踌躇、耽搁将不停恐惊。
  • 4、假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。
  • 5、不是我不给你机会,而是我给了你机会,你却让我没有了机会。
  • 就算全世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。
  • 6、就算全世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。
  • 7、Life is like chess, chess game can't turn back, one step at a time, once you can't go back.

  • 8、举手就能搞定的事情,人们往往因为他们的易为而忽略他们,拖延着不做。
  • 9、The most easy thing in the world, the delay time is the least effort.
  • 10、我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。
  • 11、听说,注定在一起的人,不管绕多大一圈依然会回到彼此的身边。
  • 12、失败对强者是逗号,对弱者则是句号。
  • 13、I believe, he will be the first time to give me smiling, while I, induction of two hearts long back.
  • 14、If I could go back in time, I will choose not to know you. Is not I regret, is I can't face no your end.
  • 15、就算全世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。
  • 16、解释有时候是多余的,因为真正懂你的人不需要你来解释,而不懂你的人却不用你解释。
  • 17、成功的方法多种多样,别不接受你看不惯的方法。

  • 18、所有的忧伤都是过往,当时间慢慢沉淀,你会发现,自己的快乐比想象的多得多。
  • I believe, he will be the first time to give me smiling, while I, induction of two hearts long back.
  • 19、I believe, he will be the first time to give me smiling, while I, induction of two hearts long back.
  • 20、Life is like a play, describe why too care about, fame and fortune, what thing, don't bring it.
  • 21、假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。
  • 22、其实爱情的疗法就和牙痛一样,只有两种:不留着,就拔掉。
  • 23、If we are to do their ability to do it, we would call surprise ourselves.
  • 24、步履是治愈恐惊的良药,而踌躇、耽搁将不停恐惊。
  • 25、解释有时候是多余的,因为真正懂你的人不需要你来解释,而不懂你的人却不用你解释。
  • 26、We must put the old habits, old bondage, so we can fly again.
  • 27、生命在闪耀中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。

  • 28、All theory is grey, but the precious tree of life evergreen.
  • 29、听说,注定在一起的人,不管绕多大一圈依然会回到彼此的身边。
  • 30、If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.
  • 31、就算全世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。
  • Belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, when you need to wake you.
  • 32、Belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, when you need to wake you.
  • 33、There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond.
  • 34、Heard that are bound together, no matter how hard it is around a circle will still back to each other.
  • 35、Make a person's limited life, more effective, which is equal to extend the lives of people.
  • 36、生命在闪耀中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。
  • 37、Steps is a cure for the fear of surprised and hesitated, delays could constantly surprised.

  • 38、我的爱情没有那么复杂,两颗心,一个家,爱我,对我好,其他的都不多求。
  • 39、生存的第一定律是:没有什么比昨天的成功更加危险。
  • 40、Life only have once, for who is precious.
  • 41、Dear, if one day we become strange, so I can meet you again.
  • 42、生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。
  • 43、I believe, he will be the first time to give me smiling, while I, induction of two hearts long back.
  • 44、生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。
  • Cool wind blow red maple leaf, let the strong cold words to mature.
  • 45、Cool wind blow red maple leaf, let the strong cold words to mature.
  • 46、Cool wind blow red maple leaf, let the strong cold words to mature.
  • 47、愿得一人心,白首不相离;桐花万里路,连朝语不息。

  • 48、成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。
  • 49、Therapy of love is actually like a toothache, there are only two: no, just pulled out.
  • 50、Heard that are bound together, no matter how hard it is around a circle will still back to each other.
  • 51、Failure is a comma to the strong, the weak is a full stop.
  • 52、不是我不给你机会,而是我给了你机会,你却让我没有了机会。
  • 53、说好不哭的却全部都哭了那一刻在也控制不住自己的情绪。