
  • 1、Good wine, red face, money and silk touching.
  • 2、龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。
  • 3、Really bad guys are not terrible, terrible is a false good man.
  • 4、不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏。所以,我们调情,我们暧昧,却永远不要相爱。
  • 5、When most people are concerned about you fly high is not high, only a few people care about you fly tired, this is friendship.

    Anyone can become vicious, as long as you tried envy.
  • 6、Anyone can become vicious, as long as you tried envy.
  • 7、意犹美,阳光即使是冬天还是那么暖呵呵。
  • 8、以笑拭泪,才是你离开时,我最悲伤的表情。
  • 9、Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost.
  • 10、Better give a good man a horse than a lazy man a lord.
  • 11、喜欢被维护的感觉尽管不常有
  • 12、Physics fails. Normal. Do you need to think about air resistance when you jump?
  • 13、Can fire assay, a woman may try to use gold, men may try to use a woman.
  • 14、Never said they were together, but they were very close to each other in the cold war.
  • 15、When I was young, I took a lot of photos, placed in the living room for others to see; wait until the old, just understand that the photos are taken to their own.

  • 16、You simply try to see things very seriously, so you will be very painful.
  • 17、Drops of water make rivers and grains make barrels.
  • 18、我们必须在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。
  • 19、Calm look at life, quiet to do their own. Life is actually very simple, as long as we cherish a thankful heart, to return to society, stretched out his hands, do something to lift a finger, face life with a smile, and life will be more beautiful.
  • 无理心慌,有理胆壮。
  • 20、无理心慌,有理胆壮。
  • 21、留不住的人慢走不送
  • 22、如果你有想要完成的事或爱的人,不仅要努力,还要拼命。
  • 23、忙碌是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦;奔波是一种快乐,让我们真实地感受生活;疲惫是一种享受,让我们无暇空虚。
  • 24、滴水成河,粒米成箩。
  • 25、世上的女人只有两种,一种是幸福的,一种是坚强的。幸福的被捧在手心里无需坚强,而坚强的却是不得不坚强。

  • 26、不能牵的手比爱人更长久
  • 27、每个人出生的时候都是原创,可悲的是很多人渐渐都成了盗版。
  • 28、你总不能因为喝水的杯子摔坏了就再也不喝水了吧
  • 29、陪伴是最长情的告白,等待是最温暖的港湾,不求与你共相伴到老,只愿能陪你待你可好。
  • 30、Life is too short to hate someone for so long.
  • 31、不要幻想自己成为招聘会上的宠儿,当你明白百分之七十的初中生都可以上大学时,你应该明白人们不会去崇拜一个群体的大多数的。
  • 32、想念你美丽的微笑,想念你温柔的怀抱,想念与你在一起的每分每秒,那种快乐拥有难以忘怀的美妙!期待着周末快点来到,可以再见你,再一起逍遥!
  • 33、There is a side effect of success, that is, the past approach to the same in the future.
  • Memories will eventually be forgotten, time will eventually pass.
  • 34、Memories will eventually be forgotten, time will eventually pass.
  • 35、Anyone can become vicious, as long as you tried envy.

  • 36、当大部分人都在关注你飞的高不高时,只有少部分人关心你飞的累不累,这就是友情。
  • 37、不要在乎谁谁谁的过去,因为你要拥有的是他的以后。
  • 38、Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost.
  • 39、Loneliness is the longing after laughing, loneliness is wandering under the moonlight.
  • 40、Drinking heavily and gambling poorly.
  • 41、当大部分人都在关注你飞的高不高时,只有少部分人关心你飞的累不累,这就是友情。
  • 42、或文或武,我是说你要有一样能行得地方,样样通样样松是为人之禁忌。样样通几样更通方是境界。
  • 43、假如你想要一件东西,就放它走。它若能回来找你,就永远属于你;它若不回来,那根本就不是你的。
  • 44、任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过嫉妒。
  • 45、滴水成河,粒米成箩。

  • 46、世界上没有绝对幸福圆满的婚姻,幸福只是来自于无限的容忍与互相尊重。
  • 47、会在一起的人终会在一起,就像地球是圆的,无论怎么背道而驰,兜兜转转之后还是会重新相遇。
  • 龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。
  • 48、龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。
  • 49、Fighting tigers requires strength and catching monkeys requires wisdom.
  • 50、In fact, the beauty of the people, but with their own love it.
  • 51、时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧!
  • 52、以笑拭泪,才是你离开时,我最悲伤的表情。
  • 53、Be sure to learn English well, but English is definitely not the whole thing of your life.
  • 54、生命太短暂了,没时间恨一个人那么久。
  • 55、月是天下客,君是人间绝色。

  • 56、Wisdom comes from work and truth comes from practice.